The Psychologist, May 2008
On vines and minds
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On vines and minds
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Access to PDFs of Psychologist issues is restricted to members of the society. Join us to enjoy this and a host of other benefits.
On vines and minds
Miles Thomas with a call to professional arms on a topic that many of us find of personal interest.
No fairytale...the benefits of the bedtime story
Joanna Blake and Nicholas Maiese on the links with language and cognitive development in this 2008 article.
Worry about worrying
Melanie Gunning examines maternal anxiety in pregnancy.
Working memory in the classroom
In her Presidents’ Award Lecture at the Annual Conference, Susan E. Gathercole looked at identifying and supporting children with poor working memory
Careers: A tale of two countries
Janina Szyndler on working in Australia; and Jamie Macniven on life as a clinical neuropsychologist.
Methods: Speed-dating as a methodological innovation
Paul W. Eastwick and Eli J. Finkel argue that this unusual data collection technique is high in external and internal validity.
Mind the gap!
Emily Pryce-Jenkins and Tanya Woolf look at how an intermediate psychological service can stop clients falling through the net.
An expert by experience
Hugh Gault on John Thomas Perceval, a pioneer whose work for the mental health advocacy movement led to lasting improvements in mental health care.
One on one - with Michael Eysenck
Professor of Psychology at Royal Holloway, University of London. Includes online bonus questions.
News, May 2008
Including compulsory treatment, anger, happiness, co-operation, and Zimbardo in the Media page.
Book reviews, May 2008
Including parapsychological investigations, altruism, psycholinguistics and more (including web-only extras).
Letters, May 2008
Including ABA, more views on the redesign, and a debate on whether psychologists should do more to tackle the reoffending crisis.
Society, May 2008
Including President's column, an Honorary Fellowship for Professor David Canter, and a new equality and diversity plan.