The Psychologist, July 2008
Running to catch the sun
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Running to catch the sun
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Access to PDFs of Psychologist issues is restricted to members of the society. Join us to enjoy this and a host of other benefits.
Running to catch the sun
We are all heading for the grave in an indifferent universe. How do we cope with such existential concerns? Dan Jones investigates…
Staring at the sun
Arabella Kurtz (Doctoral Programme in Clinical Psychology, University of Leicester) interviews Irvin Yalom, Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry at Stanford University.
Time to rewrite your autobiography?
Kimberley A. Wade and Cara Laney on why your most treasured childhood memory may be false.
Personality and health - So what?
Gareth E. Hagger-Johnson and Martha C. Pollard Whiteman with five potential applications of research linking personality traits and health outcomes.
Student writer competition winners 2008
Anne Cannon, winner in the undergraduate category, asks why consciousness plays such a limited role in psychology degree courses; and Makala Balls, winner in the postgraduate category, looks at prevention – psychology’s forgotten mission?
Careers: Life and death issues
Including Christine Kalus on working in palliative care, and Jessica Eade on the challenges facing psychologists who decide to set up in private practice.
An Introduction to Social Psychology
Graham Richards reflects on William McDougall’s influential 1908 textbook.
One on one - with Daniel Gilbert
Professor of Psychology at Harvard University. Includes online-only questions.
Book reviews, July 2008
Including consumer culture, PowerPoint, physical attraction and more - including online-only reviews.
Letters, July 2008
Including evidence, statutory regulation and more.
News and media, July 2008
The latest.