The Psychologist, March 2007
Special Issue- Refugees and Asylum seekers
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Special Issue- Refugees and Asylum seekers
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Access to PDFs of Psychologist issues is restricted to members of the society. Join us to enjoy this and a host of other benefits.
Special Issue - Refugees and Asylum seekers
Rachel Tribe and Nimisha Patel introduce the special issue.
Asylum 2: Working with refugee children and families
Mala German and Kimberly Ehntholt on projects within schools and the community.
Can community psychology meet the needs of refugees?
Adrian Webster and Mary Robertson look beyond the individual approach.
Working with interpreters
Rachel Tribe with issues for consideration, and some guidelines.
Working with asylum seekers in a clinical setting
Melinda Rees, Pennie Blackburn, Damon Lab and Jane Herlihy offer some advice.
The politics of working with refugee survivors of torture
Nimisha Patel and Aruna Mahtani urge you to reconsider your research and practice.
Presidents Column, March 2007
Ray Miller signs off.
Negotiating Access
Jane Matthiesen and Andreas Reichter with some advice on how to access research samples.
From the front line
Nigel Hunt interviews Ian Robbins about famine, war, and Cagney and Lacey.
Society, March 2007
New disability guidelines; report from the Policy Support Unit; and lifetime achievement award for Ian Gray.
Book reviews, March 2007
History of psychology; obesity; and more
Students, March 2007
Rogue male undergraduates? Dr Lalage Sanders and Dr Paul Sander.
Letters, March 2007
In defence of the code of ethics and conduct; climate change; and more.
News, March 2007
House of Lords debate on statutory regulation; gambling report; conspiracy theories; a selection from the Division of Occupational Psychology annual conference; and more.