The Psychologist, September 2006
Reading Freud - a special issue.
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Reading Freud - a special issue.
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Access to PDFs of Psychologist issues is restricted to members of the society. Join us to enjoy this and a host of other benefits.
Special issue: Memory and desire - Reading Freud
Freud understood that remembering is motivated by goals and nonconscious processes. Martin A. Conway reflects on his ideas.
A life in the unconscious
Mick Power on theoretical and practical influences.
Psychoanalysis in social psychological research
Wendy Hollway on how Freud has influenced her thinking on theory and method.
Special issue: A life on the margins
Stephen Frosh on the tension between order and disorder in his and Freud’s careers.
Special issue: The persistence of Freud
Michael Billig with his personal reflections.
Special issue: Putting the psyche into neuropsychology
Mark Solms on a perhaps unlikely alliance.
Special issue: Empathy - Freudian origins and 21st century neuroscience
Simon Baron-Cohen on Freud’s place in present and future research.
Special issue: Freud's influence - Personal and professional perspectives
Brian Rock and Peter Fonagy introduce this special issue, marking the 150th anniversary of Freud’s birth.
Continuing Professional Development - A brief guide
Laura Golding and Ian Gray look at the what, why and how.
President's column, September 2006
Ray Miller writes.
Book reviews, September 2006
Including the pictorial world of the child, CBT for dummies and more.
Letters, September 2006
Including smoking bans, scientist practitioners in the NHS and more.
Society, September 2006
Including the Book Award, fellowship citation, informed consent and more.
Students, September 2006
Charlotte Malcolm on student-led study groups, and Sharron Hinchcliff on the importance of consulting original sources.
News, September 2006
Including statutory regulation, autism, bipolar guidelines, the worst idea on the mind, positive psychology conference, in brief from the Society journals, research funding news and more.
Media, September 2006
Harriet Gross on wild children, websites and work.