The Psychologist, October 2006
Strangers to ourselves?
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Strangers to ourselves?
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Access to PDFs of Psychologist issues is restricted to members of the society. Join us to enjoy this and a host of other benefits.
Strangers to ourselves?
David Dunning with some fascinating studies into how and why we are deluded about the self.
How to... improve your memory
Peter E. Morris and Catherine O. Fritz with the first in our ‘How to…’ series of evidence-based advice.
Reflections on the games families play
Sonia Livingstone’s Argyle Lecture from the Society’s Annual Conference, on rules and roles in the media-rich home.
Psychology in Chile
Ninna Makrinov, Judith Scharager and Rogelio Diaz with the latest in our international series.
Is there a psychologist in the building?
Christian Jarrett on psychology’s place in new architectural development.
The future of educational psychologists within the new children's services
Peter Farrell, Kevin Woods, Sarah Lewis, Steve Rooney, Garry Squires and Mike O'Connor discuss the implications of a government-funded review of the work of educational psychologists.
President's column, October 2006
Ray Miller on student membership.
Book reviews, October 2006
Including successful ageing.
News, October 2006
Including psychologists' role in national security, psychokinesis, educational psychology review, and reports from the British Association Festival of Science.
Society, October 2006
Including Presidents' Award 2006.
Students, October 2006
Jennifer McIntosh and Sandie Cleland on first years' expectations.
Letters, October 2006
Including Freud, voluntary experience, the BPS as a bad parent, and much more.