The Psychologist, November 2006
Book Award lecture and more.
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Book Award lecture and more.
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Access to PDFs of Psychologist issues is restricted to members of the society. Join us to enjoy this and a host of other benefits.
One brain - two visual systems
Mel Goodale and David Milner, winners of the Society’s Book Award, outline their research.
Students - clinical psychology: is it for you?
By John Hall and Sue Llewelyn.
Tales of the unexpected - 25 years of cognitive gerontology
Patrick Rabbitt on a long and winding road of research.
Why I study... Statistics
Jeremy Miles.
Qualitative research - emerging from the cocoon of science
Sheila Keegan on what we can learn from the world of commercial qualitative research.
Raising expectations
Eirini Flouri looks at parental aspirations and educational outcomes in socio-economically disadvantaged children.
Divided selves as nervous types
Gordon Claridge delivered the Hans Eysenck Lecture at the Annual Conference in Cardiff.
All in the brain?
Bipolar depression, and the media watching the Society.
President's column, November 2006
Ray Miller writes.
News, November 2006
Including statutory regulation, toxic childhood, risk assessment, young researchers and more.
Letters, November 2006
Including post-trauma counselling, CPD, Freud, the future of educational psychology and more.
Society, November 2006
Including the Psychological Testing Centre, ballot results, educational psychologist funding, and more.
Book reviews, November 2006
Including Beatrice Edgell.