The Psychologist, May 2006
Including Padraic Monaghan's Spearman Medal lecture.
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Including Padraic Monaghan's Spearman Medal lecture.
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Access to PDFs of Psychologist issues is restricted to members of the society. Join us to enjoy this and a host of other benefits.
Left and right brain - Insights from neural networks
At this year’s Annual Conference, Padraic Monaghan delivered the Spearman Medal Lecture on an unusual way of studying hemispheric specialisation.
Heterosexism, racism and psychology
Damien W. Riggs and Precilla Y. L. Choi examine the role of privilege in research and practice.
Research in the NHS: Survival of the biggest
Roger Paxton on changes and implications for academic and applied psychologists.
Psychology in Gaza and the West Bank
Anna Costin with the latest in our international series.
Digging deep into depression
Willem Kuyken on the phenomenon of overgeneralised autobiographical memory in depression.
Book reviews, May 2006
Including the science of reading.
President's column, May 2006
Ray Miller writes.
Media, May 2006
Adam Joinson on the annual conference.
Letters, May 2006
Including extreme pornography consultation, voluntary sector symbiosis, ADHD training gap and much more.
Students, May 2006
Kate Latak on studying psychology in Europe.
Society, May 2006
Including fellowship citations, adoption support regulations and ethics column.
News, May 2006
Including Mental Health Bill, phonics, birthing anxiety, ADHD, BPS/British Academy lecture, happiness, Lord Layard, research funding and more.