The Psychologist, March 2006
Tyranny revisited - Groups, psychological well-being and the health of societies
Tyranny revisited - Groups, psychological well-being and the health of societies
Tyranny revisited - Groups, psychological well-being and the health of societies
Stephen Reicher and S. Alexander Haslam discuss results from their BBC Prison Study.
Difference and the psychology of conflict
It’s the Society’s ‘Year of Reducing Conflict’, but John Kremer and Ian Schermbrucker believe that shouldn’t always be our goal.
Building partnerships with the voluntary and community sectors
Gareth Hagger-Johnson, Jim McManus, Craig Hutchison and Meg Barker with some recommendations.
The microgenetic method - time for change?
Emma Flynn , Karen Pine and Charlie Lewis argue for a powerful psychological technique.
President's column, March 2006
The latest.
Book reviews, March 2006
The latest.
Letters, March 2006
The latest views.
Media, March 2006
The real deal on alternative medicine
News, March 2006
Including finding London bombing trauma victims, SureStart, research funding news, and a news analysis from Ronan O'Carroll on living liver donation.
Students, March 2006
James Hardie on an inspiring project, and Kam Khun on success in A-level coursework.