The Psychologist, December 2006
Martin Pickering's Broadbent Lecture, and more.
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Martin Pickering's Broadbent Lecture, and more.
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Access to PDFs of Psychologist issues is restricted to members of the society. Join us to enjoy this and a host of other benefits.
The Dance of Dialogue
Martin J. Pickering gave the Broadbent Lecture at the Society's Annual Conference, on the remarkable and unconscious ways that people align in conversations.
The National Health Service reforms: The Emporer's New Clothes?
Khadj Rouf with a personal perspective on changes and how they are affecting psychologists and the public.
Sleep on a problem... It works like a dream
Josephine Ross with some fascinating anecdotal accounts of creative and scientific insights in dreams.
Psychology in the Ukraine
Vitaliy Panok, Valentyna Pavlenko and Liliya Korallo with the lastest in our international series.
Women and secure settings
Gill Aitken, winner of the Society's Award for Distinguished Contributions to Professional Psychology, with a personal account.
Spearman and the Importance of Archives
Julie Perks talks about the usefulness of archives and what we will lose if access is restricted.
Book Reviews, December 2006
The Critique of Psychology; hypnosis; person-centred counselling and more
President's column, December 2006
Ray Miller writes on archives and statutory regulation.
Society, December 2006
The Society redesigns its website; 2006 Award for excellence in teaching; and more.
Letters, December 2006
A host of letters including interrogation, value for money and parental style of the society.
News, December 2006
Including the future of psychology in the NHS, face transplants, plus a report from a discussion meeting at the Royal Society.
Media, December 2006
Jennifer Wild and Jon Sutton on the latest psychology in the media.