The Psychologist, February 2005
Psychology in a global world: Locally relevant... but globally ignored?
Psychology in a global world: Locally relevant... but globally ignored?
Special issue - Bringing psychology to all societies
Guest Editors Manfusa Shams and Paul Jackson introduce the special issue.
Special issue - Psychology in a global world: Locally relevant... but globally ignored?
Carl Martin Allwood discusses some of the practical problems with taking an indigenous approach.
Special issue - The third wave of cultural psychology: the indigenous movement
Kwang-Kuo Hwang shows how psychological study has been inextricably linked with sociocultural history.
Special issue - Reaching the parts that need it?
Ingrid Lunt on achievements and challenges in the international organisation of psychology.
The Year of Relationships - Crazy for you
Frank Tallis asks whether psychologists should take lovesickness more seriously.
London lectures
This annual student event saw 650 people attend the day of lectures at Kensington Town Hall in December. November had seen the previous year’s London speakers in Edinburgh, a pattern due to be repeated in 2005. Here, Jon Sutton and Simon Bignell (University of Essex) present reports from the London event.