The Psychologist, October 2003
Can Psychology revolutionise Higher Education?
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Can Psychology revolutionise Higher Education?
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Access to PDFs of Psychologist issues is restricted to members of the society. Join us to enjoy this and a host of other benefits.
Special feature: Can psychology revolutionise Higher Education?
Articles by Howard Gardner (Higher Education in the era of globalisation), Barry Jones (Alcohol consumption on the campus), Hazel Willis, Margaret Stroebe and Miles Hewstone (Homesick blues), and Rowan Bayne (Love, money and studying: You and your personality type at university).
Ten things I hated about intelligence research
Ian J. Deary, winner of the Society’s 2002 Book Award, ‘looks down’ on a controversial area in this article from October 2003.
Facing the future
Penny J. Furness considers the psychosocial issues surrounding facial transplants.
Access to souls denied, access to science granted
Broadcaster Nick Ross on what psychology did for him.