The Psychologist, November 2003
Evasive talk in the corridors of power.
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Evasive talk in the corridors of power.
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Access to PDFs of Psychologist issues is restricted to members of the society. Join us to enjoy this and a host of other benefits.
Slippery politicians?
Peter Bull on the strategic use of evasive talk in the corridors of power.
Leader of the pack
Phil Stringer interviews comparative psychologist Tony Dickinson, Fellow of the Royal Society.
Of witch crazes and health scares
Peter Spencer's Personal space
Eysenck and the development of CBT
Jack Rachman’s Hans Eysenck Memorial Lecture, at the 2003 Annual Conference in Bournemouth.
Decorating the top of the table
Steve Cooper, Chair of the Society’s National Honours Group, introduces some personal reflections on what those letters can do for you – and for psychology.
Action plan: Problem gambling
Mark Griffiths gives his practical recommendations based on psychological theory and research.