The Psychologist, January 2003
Children and fruit and veg.
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Children and fruit and veg.
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Access to PDFs of Psychologist issues is restricted to members of the society. Join us to enjoy this and a host of other benefits.
The Food Dudes to the rescue!
Katy Tapper, Pauline J. Horne and C. Fergus Lowe describe an innovative scheme to get children to eat their fruit and veg.
In love with work
Jim McCourt meets Professor Peter Warr.
How do we recognise good research?
Peter Salmon discusses anarchism, methodologism and the quantitative vs. qualitative debate.
Against cognitive psychology
Norman Wetherick hates mindless data collection – ‘Who’s asking the big questions?’
Exploring the world of psychology / Psychology in Finland
Nigel Foreman (Chair, International Committee) introduces a new series of occasional articles on psychology beyond the UK. Then Klaus Helkama and Nigel Foreman look at a country with one of the highest density of psychologists in the world.