The Psychologist, February 2003
The trouble with boys.
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The trouble with boys.
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Access to PDFs of Psychologist issues is restricted to members of the society. Join us to enjoy this and a host of other benefits.
The trouble with boys
Stephen Frosh, Ann Phoenix and Rob Pattman find that the image of the angrily grunting and inarticulate teenager does not stand up to scrutiny.
Force for change
Paul Mathias describes how psychology has helped his work with the police.
What do you get when you cross a communication aid with a riddle?
Dave O’Mara and Annalu Waller on using humour to help language-impaired children to communicate and participate.
Developing an identity
David Giles interviews Martyn Barrett.
The crack in the biomedical box
Zelda Di Blasi on the placebo effect – the ghosts that haunt the house of biomedical objectivity.
In a sickle-cell and thalassaemia centre
Kofi Anie describes how psychological interventions are integrated in a multidisciplinary approach to two serious blood disorders.
Illegal drug problems and their treatments
Michael Gossop and Luke Mitcheson give their practical recommendations.