The Psychologist, May 2002
Including M.B. Shapiro lecture.
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Including M.B. Shapiro lecture.
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Access to PDFs of Psychologist issues is restricted to members of the society. Join us to enjoy this and a host of other benefits.
Silencing dissent in academia: the commercialisation of science
David Miller and Greg Philo's 'Personal space'.
Complementary and alternative medicine
Adrian Furnham on the role of psychology in understanding the dramatic rise of alternative therapies.
Causation and explanation
Jane Herlihy and John Gandy argue that neurological explanations do not make psychology redundant.
Emperor's new clothes?
Stephen Joseph asks whether EMDR is a pseudoscientific repackaging of existing psychotherapeutic factors dressed up in the emperor’s new clothes of eye movements.
Rehabilitation without error
Jim McCourt spoke to Professor Barbara Wilson OBE, one of the winners of the BPS Award for Distinguished Contributions to Professional Psychology 2000.
Working with offenders - The ins and outs
Graham Towl, Head of Psychology for the Prison Service and the National Probation Service, on working towards an effective partnership.
Renewing the scientist-practitioner model
Last year, at the Centenary Conference in Glasgow, David Shapiro delivered the annual M.B. Shapiro Lecture in his father’s honour.