The Psychologist, March 2002
EMDR and more.
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EMDR and more.
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Access to PDFs of Psychologist issues is restricted to members of the society. Join us to enjoy this and a host of other benefits.
In the blink of an eye
Francine Shapiro and her eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing therapy have had their critics. But here, with Louise Maxfield, she argues that it is safe, rapid and effective.
Focus on femininity
Jim McCourt meets Dr Precilla Choi to explore gender and the body.
Bullying in prisons
Jane L. Ireland describes the causes and consequences of bullying behind bars, and how it can be tackled.
Principles of publishing
Annilee Game and Michael A. West encourage your views on the ethics of authorship.
Dyslexia - Seeking help to negotiate the maze
Peter Faire describes his experiences as the parent of a dyslexic child.