The Psychologist, July 2002
Distinguished Contributions to Teaching Award Lecture.
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Distinguished Contributions to Teaching Award Lecture.
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Access to PDFs of Psychologist issues is restricted to members of the society. Join us to enjoy this and a host of other benefits.
A stranglehold on the development of psychology?
At his Distinguished Contributions to the Teaching of Psychology Award Lecture Tony Gale argued that the Society’s accreditation of the psychology degree has hindered the growth of the discipline.
Counterpoint - What price free speech?
Frederic Stansfield suggests that the problem of the commercialisation of science goes deeper than David Miller and Greg Philo suggested.
The modern media - Avoiding pitfalls, advancing psychology
Sue Gardner (Ethics Committee), Pam Briggs and Camilla Herbert (Press Committee) seek your views on new challenges facing psychologists in the media.
A spirited identity
Jim McCourt interviews Adrian Coyle.
Student writer competition winners 2002
Sharandeep Sanghara (undergraduate) and Laura Mitchell (postgraduate) with their winning essays on helping children with eating disorders and the pain-relieving properties of music.