The Psychologist, August 2002
Sport and exercise special.
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Sport and exercise special.
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Access to PDFs of Psychologist issues is restricted to members of the society. Join us to enjoy this and a host of other benefits.
Sport and exercise
John Kremer and David Lavallee introduce the special issue.
Becoming a sport psychologist
Ian M. Cockerill tells you how to clear the hurdles on your career path.
Why we do - And why we don't!
Deirdre Scully and Ruth Lowry on ‘participation motivation’ in sport and exercise.
Perceptual and cognitive expertise in sport
Do experts have a visual and cognitive advantage? Mark Williams reports.
In the mind's eye
Aidan Moran discusses mental imagery in sport: seeing, feeling and believing.
Healthy body, healthy mind?
Nanette Mutrie on the relationship between exercise and psychological well-being.
The professional game
Sandy Wolfson on the ethics and regulation of sport and exercise psychology.
Stress and anxiety in sport
Jan Graydon looks beyond the yips and the jitters.
And the award goes to...
Jim McCourt met educational psychologists Jean Law, Elaine White and André Imich to discuss their innovative projects with schools.
Donald Broadbent
In the 12th annual Broadbent Lecture at the Annual Conference Dianne Berry outlined Broadbent’s explicit and implicit influences on psychological science and scientists.