The Psychologist, September 1999
John Sloboda's President's Award lecture.
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John Sloboda's President's Award lecture.
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Access to PDFs of Psychologist issues is restricted to members of the society. Join us to enjoy this and a host of other benefits.
Music – where cognition and emotion meet
John Sloboda gave the Presidents’ Award Lecture at the Society’s Annual Conference in Belfast, April 1999. He argued that millions of people could discover the joys of music making if we created modern equivalents of the village brass band and stopped focusing on the need to be best.
Seeing speech in unexpected places - Mouths, machines and minds
Ruth Campbell delivered the C.S. Myers Lecture at the Society’s Annual Conference in Belfast, April 1999.
The internet - A possible research tool?
Carl Senior and Michael Smith look at how the development of the internet opens up new possibilities for psychological research.
Keeping the momentum going
John Sheppard interviews Tom Williams, Chair of the Society’s Professional Affairs Board.