The Psychologist, November 1999
Francesca Happe's Spearman Medal lecture.
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Francesca Happe's Spearman Medal lecture.
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Access to PDFs of Psychologist issues is restricted to members of the society. Join us to enjoy this and a host of other benefits.
Understanding assets and deficits in autism - Why success is more
Francesca Happé gave the Spearman Medal Lecture at the Society’s London Conference in December 1998. She argued that we can discover more about autism through examples of task success than of failure — and that it involves a distinct cognitive style, rather than deficit.
The treadmill syndrome
Personal space - Glyn Hudson-Allez
Virtual reality
David Rose and Nigel Foreman describe the application to psychology of a fast-developing new technology.
Why I study... the psychology of the common cold
Andy Smith