The Psychologist, May 1999
Learning disabilities and more.
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Learning disabilities and more.
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Access to PDFs of Psychologist issues is restricted to members of the society. Join us to enjoy this and a host of other benefits.
A case for inclusion
Guest Editors Chris Hatton, Richard Hastings and Arlene Vetere introduce a special feature on learning disabilities and mental health, initiated by the North West of England Branch.
An invisible morbidity?
Helen Prosser argues that the detection and diagnosis of mental health problems in adults with learning disabilities can be greatly improved.
Syndromes, phenotypes and genotypes - Finding the links
Anthony Holland demonstrates how analysis of both genes and behaviour can illuminate research and clinical practice in learning disability.
Towards 2000
John Sheppard interviews Pat Frankish and asks her to set out her ambitions for her presidential year.
Internet addiction: Fact or fiction?
Mark Griffiths explores the empirical reality behind the media hype.
Cognitive therapy
William R. Lindsay reveals how much psychologists can do to help with emotional problems even when communication is difficult.