The Psychologist, July 1999
Education and the disadvantaged.
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Education and the disadvantaged.
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Access to PDFs of Psychologist issues is restricted to members of the society. Join us to enjoy this and a host of other benefits.
Education and the disadvantaged: Is there any justice?
Tommy MacKay argues for radical change in the principles and funding of the British educational system. This article is based on his Award for Challenging Inequality of Opportunity Lecture given at the Society’s Annual Conference, March 1998.
Student writer competition winners, 1999
In her winning entry in the undergraduate category, Kate Lothian considers the detection and treatment of depression in older people. Alice Muir, the winner in the postgraduate category, takes a new look at stress and anxiety.
Qualitative methods: Beyond beliefs and desires
Karen Burt and Mike Oaksford define roles for qualitative methods in developing scientific hypotheses and in fields where objective experiment is impractical.
Annual conference reports
Kate Cavanagh and Paul Redford present more reports from Blackpool.