Qualification in Occupational Psychology
Discover what this qualification could offer you in your career.
The Qualification in Occupational Psychology (QOP) (Stage 2) is the independent route to training as an occupational psychologist. It enables you to undertake your training while you are working in the field and acquire valuable practical experience in a range of settings.
The flexibility of the qualification means there are no restrictions on the type of work that you are doing, so long as you can demonstrate how it is relevant to the competencies underpinning the qualification.
View the QOP prospectus for more information
- 2, 3 or 4 years
Enrolment (entry) requirements
- Graduate Membership of the Society with the Graduate Basis for Chartered membership
- BPS-accredited MSc in Occupational Psychology
- Access to a suitable placement (paid or voluntary)
Start date
- Flexible - you can enrol throughout the year
This is a doctoral-level qualification which leads to eligibility for Chartered membership of the BPS, as well as full membership of the Division of Occupational Psychology, and eligibility to apply for registration with the Health and Care Professions Council.
What can the QOP do for me?
"I can confidently say that my experience on this qualification has been instrumental in my career success so far, and I'm excited to see what the future holds!"
Find out more about what the QOP can do for you in this blog by Zara Chowdhry.
For any questions contact [email protected] or phone 0116 252 9505.
The QOP (Stage 2) (2019) is predicated on four Standards, set by the BPS, which underpin all activities undertaken by a competent, independent occupational psychology practitioner.
These Standards inform the specific learning outcomes for the award, against which all candidates are assessed.
Candidates will demonstrate the standards across three competency submissions and a viva examination.
The first two submissions are formative, and the final submission and viva are summative.
The portfolio of evidence that candidates submit will demonstrate the acquisition of skills in relevant working contexts under appropriate supervision.
For further information consult the appropriate handbooks and guidelines:
- Candidate Handbook
- Supervisor Handbook
- Terms and Conditions
- Viva Guidelines
- Guidelines for candidates with dyslexia (Under Review)
- Guidelines for supervisors & placement providers of candidates with dyslexia (Under Review)
If you have any questions, contact us via email.
Code of Conduct
The BPS sets standards that it expects candidates to follow.
In order to guide candidates in understanding their responsibilities as a trainee, the society has adopted this Code of Conduct for Members enrolled on a Society Qualification.
First consult the Candidate Handbook to make sure that you fulfil the entry requirements.
Next, find a Co-ordinating Supervisor using the Register of Applied Psychology Practice Supervisors.
It is advisable to contact more than one Supervisor before agreeing terms.
Your Supervisor will be able to explore with you how you might design your plan of training, taking into account any previous qualifications and your current circumstances.
Once you have secured supervisory support, the next step is to complete and submit your enrolment application (our Candidate Handbook will help guide you through the process of enrolment and provide tips on how to complete the forms).
Enrolment forms
- Enrolment form
- Enrolment Guidelines
- Plan of Training
- Reference Request form
- Health Declaration
- Sample Supervisor Contract
- Direct Debit Mandate
- Payment Information form
As part of your electronic enrolment you must ensure that:
- All documents are signed with an electronic signature (scanned and inserted) and not typed
- Certificates are authenticated copies. This means a photocopy/scanned version that has been signed by your co-ordinating supervisor with a written statement to confirm they have seen the true copy
- The enhanced DBS is full scan of pages 1 and 2
- All documents are enclosed in a zipped folder labelled with your name, membership number and qualification you are enrolling on
Please note: your documents must be submitted to the office electronically via Hightail.
Assessment consists a submission of a portfolio of competence entries demonstrating that you have developed the competencies to the necessary standard in your chosen areas of work and across the consultancy cycle
Your Co-ordinating Supervisor is available to support you in preparing your submissions, although this does not constitute a formal assessment of your work
If you have any questions, contact us via email.
Academic Misconduct
The society updated its Academic Misconduct Policy in December 2023.
Enrolled candidates can access all forms and supporting documents by logging into BPS Learn.
If you experience any difficulty with your access, please contact the team.
Competency submissions
All competency submissions must be submitted electronically via BPS Learn.
For more information about how to put together and label the submission please refer to your candidate handbook.
Annual progress reports and submissions
All progress submissions must be submitted electronically via BPS Learn.
For more information about how to put together and label the submission please refer to your candidate handbook.
The Occupational Psychology Qualifications Board will be running Supervisor training workshops for those wishing to supervise on the new QOP (2019) qualification and/or refresh their QOP 2010/2012 training.
The Supervisor training is a requirement that needs to be completed by anyone wishing to supervise candidates on the QOP.
To be a supervisor you must be:
- Chartered
- HCPC Registered
- A Full Member of the DOP (normally for at least two years)
For those already supervising on QOP 2010/2012 you will be required to complete a new module 2 online training.
For those who are not already supervising on QOP, you will be required to complete module 1 & 2 online trainings.
Workshop Information
Refresher supervisor workshop
Details about the next workshop will be added in due course.
We offer a telephone or video call service for you to speak to the Chief-Supervisor directly regarding any queries relating to the qualification.
Appointments must be made in advance by booking online and 2 half days are made available each month for clinic sessions.
The Chief-Supervisors will be able to help with discussions around assessments, but will not be able to comment on the assessment outcome.
Any support provided by the Chief Supervisors is their professional opinion and are not necessarily endorsed by the Assessment Team or Assessors.
Candidates that want to include their supervisors in clinic sessions will need to provide the supervisor's mobile number in advance so that the office can quickly create a conference call at the start of the session, or you will need to provide/request a video call link by contacting the office.
Please ensure you complete the clinic note section in full to make sure the Chief Supervisors can best support you within the session.
A different fee structure applies to candidates who enrolled prior to 31 December 2014 – details of that payment structure can be sent upon request.
Enrolment fee
- Amount: £120 (£100 + VAT)
- When: upon submission of an enrolment application
This is a non-refundable fee which covers the processing and review of your enrolment application.
An invoice will be sent to you when we receive your enrolment application and this must be paid within 30 days of the date on the invoice.
We will not be able to confirm your enrolment until this fee has been paid.
Qualification fee
- Amount: £7881.60 (£6568.00 + £1313.60 VAT)
- When: upon confirmation of enrolment (either in full or by monthly Direct Debit)
This fee covers any support and expert advice you might need, as well as administration carried out during your enrolment by either the society's staff or members of the Qualifications Board.
It also pays for one assessment of each element of the qualification.
If you are referred for further assessment on any element a re-submission fee will become due.
Should you withdraw from the qualification a refund may become due (please see the Terms and Conditions for further information).
Re-submission fee
- Amount: £385.20 (£321 + VAT)
- When: one month prior to submitting your amended work
The re-submission fee covers the cost of work carried out during the re-assessment of your portfolio.
Direct Debit
We offer flexible payment plans via direct debit to spread the cost of a qualification over your period of study. These are monthly interest free payments and you can choose to pay over 12, 24, 36 or 48 months.
We only charge you for the cost of the qualification once. If you need longer to complete the qualification we won't charge you extra.
Please be aware that if you complete your qualification before the payment term has been completed you will be required to pay the outstanding balance before your results can be released.
Third-party fees
Please note that you may incur additional costs during your training which are not set by the society, may include, but are not limited to, supervision costs, travel and accommodation costs (for instance, for supervisory meetings, events and conferences) and professional indemnity insurance.
These fees are not set by the society so we are unable to advise on what rates will be charged.
Fee reductions
A fee reduction of 20% is available to candidates who are in receipt of state benefits or a state pension.
Requests for reductions for other reasons will not be considered.
Formal requests for reductions must be submitted to the Professional Development Delivery Officer along with evidence of income and level of state benefits.
Review of fees
All fees charged by the society are reviewed annually and, therefore, are subject to change from 1 January each year.