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Louise Kenward's beachcombing finds

Strandlines and storytelling

Louise Kenward with lessons from psychotherapy, chronic illness, and beachcombing.

Recent highlights from The Psychologist and Research Digest
  • Colourful people, communicating
    Psychology matters…
    Psychology is at work all around us, in surprising places, having a real impact that changes lives. Here, we curate a collection of articles and interviews from The Psychologist around that theme…
  • Female student being followed by two male students
    Teachers triage the schoolyard effects of online misogyny
    A survey of UK-based teachers reveals prevalent misogynistic attitudes and behaviours in primary and secondary schoolboys, and hints at a route forward.
  • Michelle Roberts, Red Nose Day, for Project Art Works
    Autism – 11 ways we can cultivate positive change
    Deputy Editor Jennifer Gledhill looks at how psychologists can challenge and shift stereotypes surrounding autism.
  • A hidden crisis
    A hidden crisis: Women's mental health after the pandemic
    Sergio A. Silverio on an increased burden during Covid, and the assumptions which could stand in the way of recovery and growth.
  • Abstract heads with cogs inside them, colourful
    Pandemic kids more likely to struggle identifying false beliefs
    Recent work investigates Theory of Mind in children who lived through the acute phase of the Covid-19 pandemic.
  • Almuth McDowall and Nancy Doyle
    'We debate, we giggle, and we share our human experience'
    In Professor Nancy Doyle’s new book ‘Learning From Neurodivergent Leaders’, the foreword comes from fellow Occupational Psychologist Professor Almuth McDowall [pictured, left]. Here, after that piece, we ask Nancy [right] to return the favour, to shine a light on both collaboration and the themes of the book.

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Our Research Digest team and guests have produced many evidence-based features around Psychology and our everyday lives…

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Should psychologists embrace AI-powered hypothesis generation

Should psychologists embrace AI-powered hypothesis generation?

Emma Young on recent papers and commentaries.


Discover more from The Psychologist…

  • Buttons with past now future
    Looking back
    The history of Psychology and the psychology of history
  • Two heads talking
    Our interviews
  • Eye and ear
    Psychology in film, TV, radio, theatre, music, art, exhibitions, podcasts and more…
  • Books
    Extracts from books, interviews with authors, personal features and more.

Book extracts

We love to explore a whole world of Psychology, but sometimes you're at home in…

…your area

  • Women in fitness class
    Health psychology
    We gather together pieces around Health Psychology and Health Psychologists.
  • School boy doing lines on a chalk board
    Educational psychology
    We gather together pieces around Educational Psychology and Educational Psychologists.
  • Men sit listening to one another.
    Counselling psychology
    We gather together pieces around Counselling Psychology and Counselling Psychologists.
  • Seafarer at sea working on a ship
    Occupational psychology
    Whether you call it occupational, work, organisational or business psychology, we've got pieces for you.
  • Man lecturing
    Teaching and research in Psychology
    We gather together pieces around the conduct of teaching and research in Psychology.
…and now for…

…more of your areas

  • Woman screaming in mental health graphic
    Clinical Psychology
    We gather together pieces around Clinical Psychology and Clinical Psychologists.
  • Tennis rackets
    Sports Psychology
    A collection of stand-out articles around sports psychology and sports psychologists.
  • Legal meeting
    Forensic Psychology
    We gather together pieces around Forensic Psychology and Forensic Psychologists; psychology applied to the law.
  • Brain
    We gather together pieces around Neuropsychology and the work of Neuropsychologists; brain function and how it relates to cognition, emotion and behaviour.
  • Two hands pulling threads
    Coaching Psychology
    We gather together pieces around Coaching Psychology; aiming to improve performance and more in people, teams and organisations.
Jon Ronson and Sander van der Linden
In conversation

‘For me, it's just about telling complicated, grey area human stories’

Jon Ronson and Sander van der Linden in conversation.



  • Blank paper with mourning symbol
    Tributes to psychologists.
  • People in a crowd forming an arrow
    Working lives
    Psychologists talk about their journeys, daily routines, highs and lows, challenges…
  • Microphone on the background of the computer monitor.
    The PsychCrunch archives
    All 38 episodes of our Research Digest podcast, sponsored by Routledge Psychology.
  • Art picture frame
    Big picture
    For several years, we carried 'centrespread' posters with an emphasis on the visual… here, we collect them together.

You and your world

    Line drawing of a group of friends sat talking

    The psychology of friends

    27 July 2021

    We trawled our archive for insights into why friendship matters and how we can connect safely during the pandemic.

    • Children, young people and families
    • Covid
    • Relationships and romance

    From the archives: Suicide

    10 August 2015

    We share links from The Psychologist and Research Digest archives.

    • Stress and anxiety

    Action on climate change

    09 October 2019

    What can psychology do about climate change? Find out in these articles from our pages.

    • Climate and environment

Psychology matters…

Theory, research and practice is all around you. And on our website, we've been bringing you the best of it for 35+ years. You can explore some key searches and collections by selecting one of the statements below.

Further reading…

    A pair of glasses on top of an open book

    The ultimate psychology reading list

    20 February 2024

    Since 2008, The Psychologist has been asking people in its 'One on One' section for 'One book or journal article that all psychologists should read'. Here we collect their answers.

    • BPS updates
    • Teaching and learning

    A psychology A to Z

    23 June 2017

    We collect together all the entries.

    • BPS updates

    Eye on fiction

    20 April 2020

    Our series of 'eye on fiction' pieces from over the years, collected.

    • Books and reading
    • BPS updates
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