Cyberpsychology Section
Cyberpsychology is a scientific inter-disciplinary domain that focuses on the psychological phenomena which emerge as a result of the human interaction with digital technology, particularly the Internet.
Cyberpsychology exists to pursue and formalise a scientific understanding of the impact, dynamic processes and outcomes that democratised digital technologies have enabled in individuals, groups and the wider society.
By investigating issues around gaming, social media, virtual reality, online learning and virtual interest groups, we hope to raise (and answer) questions about the motivations, experiences, and effects surrounding the interactions between humanity and technology.
While statistical and theoretical research in this field is largely based around Internet usage, cyberpsychology also includes the study of the psychological ramifications of cyborgs, artificial intelligence, and virtual reality amongst other things.
Although some of these topics may appear to be the stuff of science fiction, they are quickly becoming science fact, as evidenced by the development of increasingly interdisciplinary approaches involving the fields of biology, engineering, and mathematics.
As the overlap between man and machine expands, the relevance of human-computer interaction (HCI) research will only increase. And, with the rising number of Internet and computer users around the world, it is evident that technology's effects on the human psyche will continue to significantly shape both our interactions with each other and our perceptions of the world that is literally "at our fingertips."
Contact us
- Any queries should first be made via email to [email protected]
- To contact the Chair directly please email [email protected]
- To contact the newsletter team, please email [email protected]
- You can also keep up to date by following us on Twitter at @BPSCyberPsych
Our mission
Our mission is to:
initiate, organise and promote a range of activities and produce artefacts that translate the purpose and vision of the group, into high quality and highly valued contributions to the field of Cyberpsychology
become the expert source of learning and development for all core members and affiliates, as well as other stakeholders, with an interest in or impacted by Cyberpsychology
become the credible professional community of choice for Cyberpsychologists and affiliate members, who are all united by the same objective of furthering and promoting the research in the field
be known as the expert advisory body that serves a wide range of stakeholders including government and policy makers, who have a shared interest in understanding, monitoring, regulating, managing and mitigating the impacts of digital technology on the wider society
maintain key ethical values of ethical practice, professionalism, and transparency, in all that we do
Online networking sessions
We also have a series of online networking events which are a chance for members and non-members to connect and engage with other cyber-enthusiasts! Visit our up-to-date event list.
Established in 2019, #CyberSectionChat is a monthly scheduled chat session which is focused around specified topics and themes.
Media pieces
Keeping track of Cyberpsychology-related articles and media appearances.
- The Psychologist- Centres of Cyber Excellence (August 2019)
- The Conversation- Curious Kids: Who is Siri? (April 2019)
- The Conversation- Digital detoxes are a solution looking for a problem (January 2019)
- BPS Blog - Researcher Protection and Practices in IMR (August 2018)
- TEDx Talk- Is technology really ruining your life? (July 2018)
- BPS News- Children, young people and mental health: communicating in an online world (January 2018)
- BPS Blog - Are humans intelligent enough for the digital age? (June 2017)
- BPS Blog - Putting the "cyber" in psychology (December 2016)
- TEDx Talk- The quest for digital superfoods (June 2015)
Resources for practitioners
- BPS Coronavirus Resources - Video: planning for your digital legacy (May 2020)
- BPS Coronavirus Resources - Video: using technology to say goodbye (May 2020)
- BPS News - New guidance launched for psychologists using online video for work with young people (April 2020)
- The Conversation- Studies suggest no causal link between young children's screen time and later symptoms of inattention and hyperactivity (November 2021)
- The Conversation- Flawed data led to findings of a connection between time spent on devices and mental health problems – new research (June, 2021)
- The Psychologist- Should we worry about screen time? (January 2020)
- The Psychologist- There are wolves in the forest (June 2019)
- The Conversation- Limiting screen use is not the way to tackle teenage screen problems- here's how to browse healthily at night (May 2019)
- The Conversation- Screen time for children: The WHO's extreme new approach may do little to curb obesity (May 2019)
- BPS News- Changing behaviour: children, adolescents and screen use (January 2018)
- The Conversation- Time spent on smartphones not linked to mental health problems – new research (November 2020)
- The Conversation- How to deal with smartphone stress (November 2019)
- BPS Blog- Should Smartphones really be banned for children or do scientists have a bigger problem? (April 2019)
Social media
- BPS Research Digest- Why do people share false information — and what can we do about it? (January 2022)
- The Conversation- 'I wish I was wearing a filter right now': why tweens need more emotional support to deal with social media (December 2020)
- BPS News - BPS cyberpsychologists say being active on social media will help you cope with isolation (March 2020)
- The Conversation - Sadfishing: frequently sharing deeply emotional posts online may be a sign of a deeper psychological issue (December 2019)
- The Conversation- Pseudoscience is taking over social media – and putting us all at risk (August 2019)
- The Conversation- Facebook doesn't fool me- but I worry about how it affects you (May 2019)
- The Conversation- Keeping off social media when grieving or vulnerable could help avoid trolls (August 2014)
- The Conversation- #neknomination: the internet has changed drinking games (February 2014)
Digital gaming
- The Psychologist- Games have helped me a lot throughout my life (August 2019)
- The Psychologist- This is the moment when everything is changing (August 2019)
- BPS Research Digest- Could violent video games make players more moral in the real world? (January 2015)
- The Conversation- Why your social media habit is probably not an addiction – new research (April 2021)
- The Conversation - Too much social media can be harmful, but it's not addictive like drugs (March 2020)
- BBC Ideas- Is technology addiction a myth? (July 2019)
- The Conversation- Gaming addiction as a mental disorder: it's premature to pathologise players (February 2018)
- The Conversation- Social media is nothing like drugs, despite all the horror stories (June 2017)
Online data and behaviour
- The Conversation- Zao's deepfake face-swapping app shows uploading your photos is riskier than ever(September 2019)
- The Conversation- Silicon Valley wants to read your mind – here's why you should be worried (August 2019)
- The Conversation- Algorithms have already taken over human decision making (March 2019)
- Blog Post- Scientists like me are studying your Tweets- Are you Ok with that? (March 2019)
- BPS Research Digest- What can employers learn from a job candidate's Facebook postings? (October 2013)
- BPS Blog- Using online behavior in psychological enquiry (September 2017)
- BPS Blog- Why psychology needs to start taking emoji seriously (March 2018)
- TEDx Talk- What your emoji says about you (November 2017)
- The Conversation- How to break our bad online security habits- with a flashing cyber nudge (May 2019)
- The Conversation- Don't click that link! How criminals access your digital devices and what happens when they do (February 2019)
- BPS News- Changing Behaviour: Cybersecurity (November 2018)
- The Conversation- How to save the Internet of Things from cyber attacks – with psychology (November 2016)
Online harms
- The Conversation - We don't know the true extent of cyberbullying – and children need help in dealing with it (February 2020)
- BPS Consultations- BPS Response to the Online Harms White Paper (July 2019)
Recommended resources
The committee also recommends a number of books which provide some important insight into the work and purpose of cyberpsychology:
- Attrill, A (2015). Cyberpsychology. Oxford: Oxford University Press
- Attrill, A., Fullwood, C. (2016). Applied Cyberpsychology: Practical Applications of Cyberpsychological Theory and Research. New York: Palgrave Macmillan
- Attrill-Smith, A., Fullwood, C., Keep, M., & Kuss, D. J. (2019). Oxford Handbook of Cyberpsychology. Oxford: Oxford University Press
- Benson, V., & McAlaney, J. (2019). Cyber Influence and Cognitive Threats. Academic Press
- Benson, V., & McAlaney, J. (2019). Emerging cyber threats and cognitive vulnerabilities. Academic Press
- Connolly, I., Palmer, M., Barton, H., & Kirwan, G. (2016). An Introduction to Cyberpsychology. New York: Routledge
- Hadlington, L. (2017). Cybercognition: Brain, behaviour and the digital world. London: Sage
- Harley, D., Morgan, J., & Frith, H. (2018). Cyberpsychology as everyday digital experiences across the lifespan. New York: Palgrave Macmillan
- Hurley, O. A. (2018). Sport Cyberpsychology. New York: Routledge
- Kaye, L. K. (2022). Issues and Debates in Cyberpsychology. Open University Press
- Kuss, D. J., & Pontes, H. M. (2018). Internet Addiction. Abingdon: Hogrefe
- McMahon, C. (2019). The Psychology of Social Media. Routledge
- Meredith, J., Giles, D.., & Stommel, W. (2021). Analysing digital interaction. Palgrave MacMillan
- Parsons, T. D. (2017). Cyberpsychology and the Brain: The interaction of neuroscience and affective computing. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
- Parsons, T. D. (2019). Ethical Challenges in Digital Psychology and Cyberpsychology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
- Power, A. (2018). Cyberpsychology and Society: Current Perspectives. New York: Routledge
- Power, A., & Kirwan, G. (2014). Cyberpsychology and New Media: A thematic reader. New York: Routledge
- Suler, J. (2015). Psychology of the Digital Age: Humans become electric. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
- Whitty, M. T., & Young, G. (2016). Cyberpsychology: The study of individuals, society and digital technologies. Leicester: Wiley
Conceptual Models, Theories, and Hypotheses
- Evolutionary cyber-psychology: Applying an evolutionary framework to Internet behavior (Piazza & Bering, 2009)
- Online and Offline Integration Hypothesis (Lin, Su & Potenza, 2018)
- Technology Integration Model (Shaw, Ellis & Ziegler, 2018)
Internet-Mediated Research Guidelines
- British Psychological Society's Ethics Guidelines for Internet-Mediated Research (BPS 2021)
- Association of Internet Researchers Ethics Guidelines (AoIR 2019)
- How to maintain data quality when you can't see your participants (Rodd, 2019)
- Resources for doing online qualitative research during Covid-19 (Lumsden, 2021)
These are some of the journals which cyberpsychology researchers publish in:
- Communication Research (SAGE)
- Computers in Human Behavior (Elsevier)
- Computers in Human Behavior Reports (Elsevier)
- Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking (Mary Ann Liebert)
- Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace (Masaryk University)
- Digital Psychology (Facultas Online Publishing)
- Games and Culture (SAGE)
- Entertainment Computing (Elsevier)
- First Monday
- New Media and Society (SAGE)
- Human Communication and Technology (University of Kansas)
- Human Communication Research (Wiley)
- Human Computer Interaction (Taylor and Francis)
- International Journal of Advanced Media and Communication (InderScience Publishers)
- International Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication (Wiley)
- International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction (Taylor and Francis)
- International Journal of Human-Computer Studies (Elsevier)
- Journal of Media Psychology (Hogrefe)
- Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR)
- Media Psychology (Taylor and Francis)
- Mobile Media and Communication (SAGE)
- Psychology of Popular Media (APA)
- Social Media and Society (SAGE)
- Technology, Mind and Behavior (APA)
Scales and Measures
- An Analysis of More Than 1,400 Articles, 900 Scales, and 17 Years of Research: The State of Scales in Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking (Howard & Jayne, 2015)
- Blogging Motivations Questionnaire (BMQ) (Fullwood, Nicholls and Makichi, 2015)
- Definition and Measurement of Cyberbullying (Gradinger, Strohmeier, & Spiel, 2010)
- Facebook Addiction Scale (Andreasson, Torsheim,Brunborg, & Pallesen, 2012)
- Facebook Intensity Scale (Orosz, Tóth-Király & Bőthe 2016)
- Facebook Intrusion Questionnaire (Elphinston & Noller, 2011)
- Friendship Quality on Social Network Sites Questionnaire (Verswijvel, Heirman, Hardies, Walrave, 2018)
- Internet Gaming Disorder Scale (IGD-20) (Pontes, Király, Demetrovics & Griffiths, 2014)
- Internet Gaming Disorder Scale- Short Form (IGDS-FS9) (Pontes & Griffiths, 2015)
- Inventory of Cyberbullying Acts at Work (ICA-W) (Vranjes, Baillien, Vandebosch, Erreygers & De Witte, 2018)
- Media and Technology Usage and Attitudes Scale (MTUAS) (Rosen et al., 2013)
- Mobile Phone Problem Use Scale (MPPUS) (Bianchi & Phillips, 2005)
- Nine-Item Problematic Internet Use Questionnaire (PIUQ-9) (Laconi et al., 2019)
- Nomophobia Questionnaire (NMP-Q) (Yildirim & Correia, 2015)
- Presentation of Online Self Scale (POSS) (Fullwood, James & Chen-Wilson, 2016)
- Problematic Mobile Phone Use Questionnaire (PMPUQ) (Billieux, Van Der Linden & Rochat, 2008)
- Propensity for Online Community Contribution Scale (POCCS) (Fullwood, Chadwick, Keep, Attrill-Smith, Asbury & Kirwan, 2019)
- Questionnaires and scales for the evaluation of the online sexual activities: A review of 20 years of research (Eleuteri, Tripodi, Petruccelli, Rossi, & Simonelli, 2014)
- Smartphone Addiction Scale- Adolescent Short Form (Kwon, Kim, Cho, Yang, 2013)
- Smartphone Addiction Scale (SAS) (Kwon, Lee, Won, Park, Min, Hahn, Gu, Choi, & Kim, 2013)
- Smartphone Application-Based Addiction Scale (SABAS) (Csibi, Demetrovics & Szabo, 2016)
- Smartphone Use Questionnaire (SUQ) (Marty-Dugas, Ralph, Oakman & Smilek, 2018)
- Social Media Addiction Scale (Lucia, Palo Valeria, Griffiths & Maria, 2017)
- Social Media Craving Scale (Savici & Griffiths, 2019)
- Social Media Motivations Scale (SMMS) (Orchard, Fullwood, Galbraith and Morris, 2014)
- Social Media Use Integration Scale (Maree, 2017)
- Video Game Structural Characteristics Taxonomy (King, Delfabbro, & Griffiths, 2010)
Teaching resources
- List of example cyberpsychology seminar activities
- Interpretable Machine Learning: A Guide for Making Black Box Models Explainable
- Growing Classification Trees in R
- Spot the Troll: The quiz where YOU examine images of real social media content and decide whether it's from a legitimate account or an internet troll
- Language Style Matching: A Comprehensive List of Articles and Tools (Shaw, Taylor, Conchie & Ellis, 2019)
- Using Twitter as a data source: An overview of social media research tools
- Screen Time App (Apple)
- A practical guide to analysing online support forums
- The Big Data toolkit for Psychologists: Data Sources and Methodologies
Cyberpsychology Courses
Undergraduate Courses
- BSc (Hons) Cyberpsychology - Bournemouth University, UK
- BSc (Hons) Cyberpsychology – University of East London, UK (forthcoming)
- Bachelors in Cyberpsychology and e-Health - University of Sydney, Australia
- Bachelors in Cyberpsychology - New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA
- BA Psychology and Computing - University College Cork, Ireland
Postgraduate Courses
- MSc Cyberpsychology - Institute of Art, Design and Technology, Dun Laoghaire, Ireland
- MSc Cyberpsychology - University of Wolverhampton, UK
- MSc Cyberpsychology - Nottingham Trent University, UK
- MSc (Research) Cyberpsychology - University of Buckingham, UK
- M.S. Cyberpsychology (Online) – Norfolk State University, Virginia
- MRes in Cyberpsychology - Capitol Technology University, Washington, USA
Career pathways
There are many applications of cyberpsychology.
Here are just some of the ways that cyberpsychology can be applied to career routes:
Download the Cyberpsychology Careers Diagram
Additionally, there are specific focal areas in cyberpsychology which synergise multiple discipline perspectives such as:
- Consumer Cyberpsychology
- Forensic Cyberpsychology
- Health Cyberpsychology
- Investigative Cyberpsychology
Search the latest relevant jobs.
Research groups
Research groups in Cyberpsychology
Cyber and Interpersonal Behaviour Research (University of Buckingham)
Cyberpsychology Lab of the University of Quebec (University of Quebec, Canada)
Cyberpsychology Research Group (University of Sydney, Australia)
Cyberpsychology Research Group (Nottingham Trent University, UK)
Interactive Media Institute (San Diego, CA)
International Association of CyberPsychology, Training, and Rehabilitation (iACToR)
Interdisciplinary Research Team on Internet and Society (Masaryk University, Czech Republic)
Psychology and Technology Research Group (DeMonfort University, UK)
Specialist Interest Group for Media, Art and Cyberpsychology (SIGMAC)
Cyberpsychology Section Committee
Chair - Dr Dawn Branley-Bell
Dr Dawn Branley Bell is a Chartered Psychologist of the BPS. She is a committee member of the BPS Cyberpychology Section, and was a member of the steering group involved in formation of the section. Dawn is a Research Associate in the Psychology for Communication Technology (PaCT) Lab at Northumbria University. She specialises in online behaviour, behaviour change, cybersecurity, eHealth/mHealth, and technology to promote positive behaviours and positive interventions. She is also interested in research around self-harm, suicidal ideation, eating disorders, and associated online support/communication.
Twitter: @TheCyberPsyche
Past Chair - Dr Linda Kaye
Dr Linda K. Kaye is a Chartered Psychologist of the BPS and is a founding member of the BPS Cyberpsychology Section.
Linda is an Associate Head in the Department of Psychology at Edge Hill University and specialises in areas relating to cyberpsychology and explores ways in which online settings can promote social inclusion and well-being.
Her research interests broadly explore how online worlds affect our everyday experiences and behaviour, and the extent to which we can understand human psychology from studying people's online behaviour.
Chair Elect - vacant
Secretary - Dr Lisa Orchard
Dr Lisa J. Orchard is a Graduate member of the BPS. She is a Senior Lecturer within Psychology at The University of Wolverhampton. She specialises in social cyberpsychology and specifically social media use in relation to individual differences. Her current research focuses on the role of social media within breastfeeding promotion, support, and decision-making.
Treasurer - Dr Graham Scott
Dr Graham Scott is based at UWS
Committee Member - Conference Lead - Dr Beth Bell
Bio to follow.
Committee member - Vacant
This position is vacant.
Committee Member, Communications Lead - Dr Catherine Talbot
Dr Catherine Talbot is a cyberpsychologist specialising in social media, health, and qualitative methods and is currently a Lecturer in Psychology at Bournemouth University.
She is interested in positive technology usage by people with stigmatised health conditions, and how technologies can be developed to promote social inclusion and foster wellbeing.
Her current research focuses on the social identities of people with dementia in online settings.
Committee Member - Dr Darren Chadwick
Dr. Darren D. Chadwick is an Associate Fellow of the BPS. He is a Reader in Applied Psychology at the University of Wolverhampton. He specialises in the use of information and communication technologies by people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their carers. His current cyberpsychology research considers digital inclusion, identity and online risks for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and carer use of online support groups.
Committee Member - Carol Brooks
Industry Representative - John Blythe
Dr John Blythe is a behavioural scientist specialising in human aspects of cyber security and behaviour change.
He has an extensive research background applying behavioural insights to cyber security challenges, most notably in the field of security awareness, and is passionate about bringing an evidence-base to addressing people-centric security.
John has worked across academia, industry and government applying psychology to cyber challenges.
He is a chartered psychologist with the British Psychological Society and an honorary research fellow at UCL Dawes Centre for Future Crime.
Industry Liaison rep - Dr Paul Marsden
Paul lectures in fashion psychology at UAL (University of the Arts London), with a focus on the psychology of wearable technology. He also runs, a site dedicated to summarising research on the impact of digital technology and AI on human wellbeing. In industry, Paul promotes the need for guidelines on the responsible use of AI and autonomous agents in connected technology and marketing.
Practitioner rep - Frances Ackroyd
Frances Ackroyd is a Member of BPS CyberPsychology and Defence sections and of the Division of Occupational Psychology.
She serves on the CyberPsychology committee as Practitioner Representative, linking industry, academic and government contacts together to promote and share research and best practice.
With a consulting background in organisational and technology-driven change, Frances currently coaches and conducts programmes varying from performance improvement in connected, digital environments to understanding human factors risks and behaviours in cyber-security.
Her research focuses on innovation, cultural and behavioural change, with particular interest in how people interact with technology in different contexts.
PsyPAG rep - Christopher Leech
I'm a PhD researcher at Edge Hill University studying psychology, looking at video games and mental health. I'm a person with Albinism and thus visually impaired, and I'm a huge advocate for equality and diversity. I am also the current PsyPAG representative for the Cyberpsychology section and it's an honour to represent my fellow students.
Committee Member - Editor-in-chief of Member Publication – Dave Harley
Dr Dave Harley is a Chartered Member of the BPS and Principal Lecturer in Psychology at the University of Brighton.
His broad research areas cover Cyberpsychology and HCI with a particular interest in older people's appropriation of digital technologies.
He is currently engaged in qualitative research looking at experiences of mindfulness in relation to the digital world.
Cyberpsychology is a scientific interdisciplinary domain, which focuses on the psychological phenomena that emerge as a result of the human interaction with digital technology, particularly the internet.
The Cyberpsychology Section draws together a community of those interested in the outcomes and effects of digital technology for individuals, groups and wider society.
We strive to ensure technology-based recommendations and developments are evidence-based.
What the section does for you:
- Access to the Cyberpsychology Bulletin – our regular members bulletin aims to keep you updated with the latest in cyberpsychology; filled with news stories, events, research insights and book reviews
- An annual conference dedicated to cyberpsychology and related research
- Events for continuing professional development, with preferential rates for members
- Regular networking events, including our monthly Twitter chat (#CyberSectionChat) and student-specific networking through a dedicated social media group and virtual coffee mornings
- Dedicated careers and outreach teams, working towards a stronger integration between cyberpsychology and industry
- Dedicated microsite providing a resource bank of cyberpsychological journals, guidelines and tools
Apply to join
- Apply to join the section (students, affiliates, e-subscribers)
- Apply to join the section (graduate, chartered, and in-training members)
Membership of the Cyberpsychology Section is only open to members of the British Psychological Society.
Being a member of the society also has its benefits, such as professional titles, The Psychologist magazine, journal access, and a number of professional guidelines and ethical support.
If you are not already a BPS member, you can join the Cyberpsychology Section at the same time as applying for membership of the society.
Member Announcement Email List
The Cyberpsychology Section uses its membership announcement email list to inform its members of activities and initiatives that are relevant to their interests and to make requests for engagement on topical issues.
By becoming a member of the Section you are automatically added to the announcement list.
To receive these emails you will need to:
- become a member of the Cyberpsychology Section
- opt into receiving email communication and provide a working email address
These preferences can be updated by logging into your member portal.
If you have any queries, please contact Member Network Services
To assist us in responding to your query please make sure to include your membership number and quote 'Cyberpsychology Section announcement email' in the subject line.
Getting involved with the Cyberpsychology Section committee
The Cyberpsychology Section relies on a wide range of people getting involved, and the work of the Section is largely achieved through the dedication of unpaid volunteers.
Our volunteers come from a wide range of different backgrounds, whether they be practitioners or academics, or full members or student members, and together form an open and inclusive community.