DCP Wales Branch
We promote good practice through training, guidance to our members, identify and meet the needs of the DCP members in Wales.
About DCP Wales
We contribute to the development and implementation of public policy and lead the profession in Wales in demonstrating the values of clinical psychology in health and social care at strategic and societal levels.
DCP Wales Networking Events
We are delighted to announce that our monthly series of networking events will begin on 09 May.
You can find out more about these events on our Networking tab.
Chair(s): Bethan Philips (June 2021 – Nov 2024 ) and Elanor Maybury (co-opted: Nov 2023 – 2024)
Appointed Members:
- Daniel Moxham (Nov 2023 – 2026)
- Jack Griffiths (Pre-Qual Trainee Link: July 2022 – Nov 2025)
- James Stroud (June 2021 – 2024)
- Jen Daffin (June 2021 – 2024)
- Jessica Reardon (Feb 2024 – Nov 2027)
- Julie Griffin (June 2021 – 2024)
- Nicola Lewis (June 2021 – 2024)
- Qayanat Shaikh (Nov 2023 – 2026)
CWPAN SEICOLEG – free networking events for DCP Cymru members in 2024/2025
Cwpan Siecoleg is a regular networking event for Clinical Psychologists working in Wales, organised by the Welsh branch of the DCP.
Our aim is to share and discuss clinically relevant research and ideas in psychology currently being explored by our clinical colleagues and academic psychologists working in Wales. We aim to meet on the second Tuesday of each month over Zoom.
Our next sessions will be:
- Tuesday 12 November 2024, 12:30-13:30
- Tuesday 07 January 2025, 12:30-13:30
Please see details below.
Sessions are an hour and are conducted via Zoom.
How to get involved
Would you like to run a Cwpan session? Do you have a clinically relevant idea, piece or work, or research you would like to share and discuss? Please contact the committee on [email protected].
2024 Networking Events
The intersection of autistic traits, ADHD traits, and gender diversity in disordered eating and drive for muscularity within the general population
14 May 2024
Dr Kia Thomas, lecturer at the School of Psychology at Cardiff University, will be talking about recent research aimed at understanding the overrepresentation of neurodivergent and gender-diverse people amongst those with eating disorders.
This research, conducted in the general population, seeks to disentangle some of the epidemiological overlap between, autism, ADHD, and gender diversity and identify the possible contribution of each to eating behaviours and body image.
From the consultation room to the changing rooms
09 July 2024
Jack Griffiths, assistant psychologist in ABUHB will be talking about his experience coaching a Welsh league football youth side and how his psychological knowledge has influenced his approach.
This talk will provide insight into life as a football coach, key reflections and what models and theories Jack has found useful in bringing success to his team.
How to take part:
You must sign-in to access the zoom link (see below).
From the consultation room to the changing rooms
10 September 2024
Jack Griffiths, assistant psychologist in ABUHB will be talking about his experience coaching a Welsh league football youth side and how his psychological knowledge has influenced his approach.
This talk will provide insight into life as a football coach, key reflections and what models and theories Jack has found useful in bringing success to his team.
How to take part:
You must sign-in to access the zoom link (see below).
Introducing the VaLuE model: A grounded theory for how lived experience of mental health difficulties can be valued during DClinPsy training
12 November 2024
Dr Laura Miles, BCUHB, was recently awarded the Student Partnership Impact Award from the Staff and Educational Development Association (SEDA) for her contribution to the North Wales Clinical Psychology Programme.
Laura will present her grounded theory study regarding how DClinPsy trainees understand what it means to 'value' lived experiences and how this can be accomplished.
How to take part:
You must sign-in to access the zoom link (see below).
The missing link: how access for all, isn’t
07 January 2025
Afshan Morgan, ABUHB outreach Psychological Health Practitioner in Newport will talk about how her prior psychological knowledge and experience together with personal experiences helped her create a service for the Ethnic Minority communities identified as not accessing mental health service through their GP surgeries.
How to take part:
You must sign-in to access the zoom link (see below).
CWPAN SEICOLEG – free networking events for DCP Cymru members in 2023
DCP Cymru is bringing psychological researchers and clinicians from across Wales together to discuss a psychological topic of interest during our lunch break.
Each month we will be joined by a clinician or researcher working or studying in Wales who will discuss their work for 40 minutes and you will have an opportunity to participate in a Q&A session for the remaining 20 minutes.
All sessions will be held online from 12:30 to 13:00 via Zoom.
Join when you can and for as long as you are able. We look forward to seeing you.
If you are interested in presenting an idea or piece of research please contact [email protected].
2023 Networking Events
The clinical presentation of rare genetic conditions, and what they can teach us about neurodevelopment.
09 May 2023
Dr. Jess Hall from Cardiff University will talk about her work on rare variations on the human genome and what this can tell us about the development of neurodevelopmental, mental health, and cognitive problems.
Neurodiversity in a Digital Age- The Impact of Dark Pattern User Experience on ASD/ADHD
13 June 2023
James Houlden, assistant psychologist and media and psychology researcher, will talk about the way psychological science has been applied to maximise engagement with websites, social media, and apps, and the risk this poses to vulnerable groups.
Retreat, Re-Emergence and Struggle: The experiences psychological wellbeing for people with psychosis during the Covid-19 Pandemic
11 July 2023
Dr. Daniel Moxham, clinical psychologist, will talk about his DClinPsych research project into how people with psychosis experienced changes in psychological wellbeing during the first year of the Covid-19 pandemic and what this can tell about this condition and how to support vulnerable groups through this period of significant social and economic change.
Transferring DBT to routine practice: Benchmarking clinical outcomes.
12 September 2023
Professor Michaela Swales, programme director of the North Wales Clinical Psychology Training Programme and director of the British Isles DBT training team, will talk about a project aiming at benchmarking DBT outcomes in routine clinical practice against those derived from RCTs, and what this can tell us about supporting evidence-based practice in psychology.
Advances in clinical and applied psychology training in Wales
10 October 2023
Professor Andrew Thompson, programme director of the South Wales Clinical Psychology Training Programme and member of the DCP training and workforce committee, will talk about planned and required changes to applied psychology training in Wales over the coming years. He will focus on the importance of partnership working, and developing shared agendas, alongside health boards and service users.
Evaluation of The Self-Harm Pathway
14 November 2023
Dr Jessica Atkinson: Research Assistant for BCUHB Child Clinical Psychology
Jessica Prince: Assistant Psychologists in BCUHB Children Learning Disability Service, BCUHB, North Wales
The self-harm pathway is a joint agency pathway between local authorities and BCUHB specialist CAMHS that first started in Denbighshire in 2017. It aims to provide a safe and supported response to help young people who self-harm and first come to the attention of staff in school. Jessica began her work on evaluating the pathway at the end of 2019 and Jess has recently been offering her support. Today's talk will focus on setting up the pathway, the challenges and successes as told by the experiences of the professionals involved as well as some of the quantitative data collected.
Jessica Atkinson is a Research Assistant supporting Child Clinical Psychologists with their Research across BCUHB. She obtained an honours degree in Applied Psychology from Liverpool John Moores University. She undertook her PhD in the Department of Cellular and Molecular Biology at the University of Liverpool (UoL), where her research focused on brain development determined by MRI in preterm infants.
During her PhD, she worked as an Assistant Psychologist and in Secondary schools as a TA and a supply teacher. Following her PhD Jessica's research projects included a patient pathway in epilepsy with the UoL and Clinical Trials both at the UoL and at the Clinical Trials Unit, University of Manchester.
Since joining BCUHB, she has supported numerous CAMHS projects. Her role recently expanded to support clinical psychologists in all areas of child clinical psychology and she has set up a portfolio of potential projects.
Jess Prince is an Assistant Psychologist at BCUHB with dedicated time to support the Clinical Psychology Research Team. She obtained a BSc degree in Psychology at Staffordshire University, following which she completed a Masters in Abnormal and Clinical Psychology at Swansea University. Following her master's degree Jess has worked as an Assistant Psychologist in a range of services including Autism (ABA Tutor), Perinatal and CYPS Eating Disorders. Currently, Jess works in BCUHB Children's Learning Disability Service.
Integrating the valuable role of lived experience individuals into Mental Health and Learning Disability Teams/ Services in south Wales
12 December 2023
Dr Shelley Mccann, and Dr Jessica Woolley, both clinical psychologists who lead on the peer mentoring programme in Aneurin Bevan University Health Board (ABUHB) will be joined by Rebecca John, peer mentor development worker in the adult psychology peer mentoring team in ABUHB.
They will discuss what peer mentoring is, how it started in ABUHB, and how peer mentor roles have been implemented into teams and services.
They will also discuss the advantages to employing peer mentors in teams, the importance of the initial and ongoing evaluations, and what has been learned.
They will reflect on their journey to this point, the challenges they have encountered and how these have been overcome, and what the future looks like.