Scottish Public Affairs Update – November 2023
Information and updates from our Public Affairs Team, including an update on the Mental Health Delivery Plan and Workforce Action Plan.
14 November 2023
Scottish Government
Mental Health Delivery Plan and Workforce Action Plan published
On 7 November, the Scottish Government (with COSLA) published its Mental Health and Wellbeing Delivery Plan 2023-25 and Mental Health Workforce Action Plan 2023-25.
The Delivery Plan sets out the actions the Scottish Government will take over the next 18 months to meet the outcomes and priorities in its Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy, published this summer [BPS welcomes publication of major mental health strategy in Scotland].
BPS sat on the Scottish Government Mental Health and Wellbeing Workforce Advisory Group, which advised the government on the development of the Workforce Action Plan.
We welcome both the Delivery Plan and the Workforce Action Plan, including the specific actions relating to the psychology workforce, but remain concerned that neither document details specific budgets to be allocated to actions [BPS responds to the publication of the Scottish Government's Mental Health and Wellbeing Delivery Plan and Workforce Action Plan | BPS].
We will continue to engage with the Scottish Government and wider stakeholders throughout 2024 on the various relevant strands of work outlined in the Delivery Plan and Workforce Action Plan, including:
- Recruitment and retention
- Data
- Waiting Times
- Psychological Therapies Specification
- Digital
- Primary Care
- Children and Young People
- Forensic
- Neurodiversity and learning disabilities
- Adults with Incapacity
- Dementia
- Substance use
- Stigma
BPS attends Scottish Government launch event for Psychological Therapies and Interventions National Specification
On 1 November, BPS representatives attended the Scottish Government's launch event for the new national specification for Psychological Therapies and Interventions.
Dr Lynne Taylor; Principal Psychology Advisor & Gillian Paton; Psychological Therapies Policy Lead Scottish Government presented on plans for the Specification.
Sessions also included a Q&A with Maree Todd MSP, Minister for Social Care, Mental Wellbeing and Sport; the role of the Heads of Psychology Scotland (HOPS) group in the delivery of the Specification; delivery of Digital Psychological Therapies; and a presentation on the updated Psychological Therapies Matrix from NES.
Scottish Parliament
Health, Social Care and Sport Committee publishes report on inquiry into female participation in sport and physical activity
The Committee's report on female participation in sport and physical activity addresses barriers to female participation in sport and physical activity, covering both community sport and physical activity and elite sport.
The Committee believes more work needs to be done to measure the broader impact investment in sport and physical activity can have as a preventative measure that improves health and wellbeing, while reducing the societal costs of poor health and wellbeing.
Equalities, Human Rights and Civil Justice Committee publishes report on Asylum Seekers in Scotland inquiry
The Human Rights of Asylum Seekers in Scotland report includes a section on access to health and mental health support and services (pp 59-62). During the course of its inquiry, the Committee heard evidence from Dr Nina Koruth, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Glasgow Psychological Trauma Service, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde.
Issues raised during the inquiry include that there can be cultural differences in understanding mental health and how mental health services are delivered; it is hard to know whether asylum seekers feel they are able to access mental health services; and education and information about services is key.
Scottish Prison Service's updated mental health strategy imminent
In response to a parliamentary question lodged on 22 September 2023 by Liam McArthur, MSP (Orkney Islands, Scottish Liberal Democrats), Teresa Medhurst, Chief Executive of the Scottish Prison Service (SPS) confirmed that the SPS updated mental health strategy was to be finalised by the end of October and will be published at the end of this year (2023).
Learning Disability, Autism and Neurodiversity Bill
The Scottish Government is in the process of preparing the public consultation on the Bill, to launch by the end of this year. It will cover definitions and who this Bill should be for; the potential role for a Commission /Commissioner; and current gaps in the attainment of rights and in the provision of rights.
BPS will be attending a meeting of the Scottish Parliament's Cross Party Group on Autism on 20 November, with the upcoming Bill the topic for discussion.
Scottish Parliament Information Centre (SPICe) publishes briefing on Circular Economy (Scotland) Bill
The briefing provides details of the potential health benefits of circular economy approaches, including improved mental health and wellbeing – drawing attention to "an increasing body of evidence that excessive materialism and consumerism has links to poorer mental health".
Health Bodies
Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland publishes Mental Health Act Monitoring Report 2022-2023
The Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland has published its annual Mental Health Act Monitoring Report 2022-23.
The Commission reports an increase in the use of compulsion by 1.7%; and greater use of compulsion in the most deprived areas compared to the least deprived. The report also notes the continued fall in the proportion of Emergency Detention Certificates that have the consent of a mental health officer.
Open consultations
Scottish Government consultation: draft National Specification for the Care and Treatment of Eating Disorders in Scotland
Developed in response to the National Review of Eating Disorder Services (2021), the government aims to publish the final version of this Specification in early 2024.
The Specification will complement other ongoing work, including the creation of the National Care Service (NCS) and the Mental Health Law Review findings. The final version of the Specification will also align with the format and contents of the Core Mental Health and Wellbeing Standards and the National Specification for the Delivery of Psychological Therapies and Interventions.
Member views would be very welcome as BPS considers its response. Please send your views to [email protected] by 10 January 2024.
Recent BPS consultation responses
Scottish Government consultation: A Human Rights Bill for Scotland
BPS has submitted a response to the Scottish Government consultation on its plans to bring a new Human Rights Bill to the Scottish Parliament. The government aims to introduce the Bill to Scottish Parliament in time for it to be voted on before the end of the current parliamentary session in 2026.
Get in touch
For further information on any of the above, or to discuss wider BPS public affairs and policy work in Scotland, please contact [email protected].