Scottish Public Affairs Update – March 2023
Information and updates from our Public Affairs Team, including an update on the Scottish Government Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy.
15 March 2023
Scottish Government Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy
BPS continues to engage with the Scottish Government as it develops its Mental Health & Wellbeing Strategy. We responded to the draft Strategy in February and will work with the Scottish Government and wider stakeholders as the Strategy and its Delivery Plan progress.
The BPS also sits on the associated Scottish Government Mental Health and Wellbeing Workforce Advisory Group, which advises on the government's approach to supporting the Mental Health and Wellbeing Workforce, including the development of a dedicated strategic approach and action plan.
All three documents are due for publication this spring.
Scottish Budget
As a member of Scotland's Mental Health Partnership (SMHP), in January, BPS was a signatory on an SMHP press release on the Scottish Budget, in which the partnership called for an increase to the Mental Health Services budget for 2023/24.
Scottish Government Dementia Strategy
On 1 March, the Scottish Government published its summary of the collective written and oral evidence it received on its national conversation to information its new dementia strategy, due for publication in Spring 2023: Dementia strategy - national conversation: what people told us.
Key areas covered to be addressed in the strategy include the negative societal perception of what dementia is and what a diagnosis means, which can put people off seeking a diagnosis or asking for help, and limit the type of support made available to people when they need it; the 'postcode lottery' (inconsistent availability and provision of support, including the commitment of a minimum of 12 months Post Diagnostic Support); the need to upscale preventative and early intervention activities to reduce demand at the crisis end; and workforce challenges, including a lack of education and training about dementia.
Health and Wellbeing Census Scotland 2021-22
Published on 28 February, the Scottish Government statistical publication (Health and Wellbeing Census Scotland 2021- 2022) provides information on its first Health and Wellbeing Census 2021/22, undertaken by local authorities between October 2021 and June 2022.
These statistics are currently being developed and have been published to involve users and stakeholders in their development, and to build in quality and understanding at an early stage.
The analysis sets out the findings for the 16 local authorities who shared HWB census data. Analysis indicates positive mental health and wellbeing decreases with stage, and differences by sex and deprivation.
Scottish Parliament
The BPS continues to monitor legislative developments, including the National Care Service Scotland Bill and the Bail and Release from Custody Scotland Bill - both at Stage 1 (general principles).
Open Consultations
We are currently drafting BPS responses to two Scottish Government consultations – the Delivery of psychological therapies and interventions: national specification; and Draft quality standards for adult secondary mental health services. Many thanks to members who sent their views to inform our responses.
Get in touch
For further information on any of the above, or to discuss wider BPS public affairs and policy work in Scotland, please contact [email protected]