Scottish Public Affairs Update - December 2023
Our public affairs team provides a review of 2023 and a look ahead.
22 December 2023
A bumper year for Scottish Government launches
Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy, Delivery Plan and Workforce Action Plan
In a year that saw the Scottish Government launch its new Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy in June [we issued this article on launch day] and associated Delivery Plan and Workforce Action Plan in November – BPS ensured that the voice of the psychology profession was heard throughout discussions on their development. We sat on the Scottish Government Mental Health and Wellbeing Workforce Advisory Group, which advised the government on the development of the Workforce Action Plan.
We welcomed both the Delivery Plan and the Workforce Action Plan, including the actions relating to the psychology workforce, but raised concern at lack of detail on budgets to be allocated. [BPS responds to the publication of the Scottish Government's Mental Health and Wellbeing Delivery Plan and Workforce Action Plan | BPS]
New Psychological Therapies and Interventions Specification and Core Mental Health Standards; and updates to waiting times standard definitions and the Psychological Therapies Matrix
September was also a busy month for announcements, with publication of the Psychological therapies and interventions specification; Psychological Therapies and Interventions Waiting Times Standard Definitions; the updated Scottish Psychological Therapies Matrix; and Core Mental Health Standards.
BPS welcomed publication of all. Underpinning success, however, will be addressing challenges around data and giving clinicians the necessary support, so that additional work brought about by new requirements does not detract from their core clinical role, nor increase workload overall. Further details can be found in our Scottish Public Affairs Update – September 2023 | BPS.
BPS representatives attended the Scottish Government's launch event for the Specification in November and we look forward to engaging with government throughout the implementation phase.
Mental Health and Capacity Reform Programme
In June, the Scottish Government responded to the Independent Review of mental health, capacity, adult support and protection legislation chaired by Lord John Scott KC; and set out its intended approach to delivery of reforms. Early priorities include:
- Adults with Incapacity Law reform
- Mental Health Law reform
- Supported Decision Making
- Reducing Coercion
- "Mental disorder" definition review
The BPS will continue to engage with the Scottish Government as it takes its reform proposals forward and keep members updated on developments.
Scottish Budget 2024-25
In advance of publication of the Scottish Budget 2024-25, which took place on 19 December, Scotland's Mental Health Partnership (SMHP) – of which BPS is a member – called on the Scottish Government to meet its own commitment to increase funding for mental health.
Coverage featured in the Evening Standard and STV News amongst others and BPS issued this related web story: https://www.bps.org.uk/news/bps-calls-scottish-government-fulfil-its-mental-health-funding-pledge-ahead-budget-settlement.
The SMHP issued the following post-Budget statement:
"This is a missed opportunity for mental health. There is no indication that the Scottish Government will meet its own target of increasing mental health spend to 10% of the NHS budget, no increase to the Mental Health Directorate budget for the second successive year, meaning a large cut in real terms, and no new investment for preventative work.
We are keen to begin working with government to deliver on the new strategy but had expected to see mental health as a priority for new investment. Instead, we see further cuts to a system that is already overstretched."
New BPS Scottish Policy Group established
In spring, BPS set up a dedicated Scottish Policy Group, comprised of BPS members across specialisms in Scotland. The group makes essential contributions to our work – covering existing and forthcoming policy developments of relevance to BPS members and identifying emerging issues impacting members and those they support.
Consultation responses
Drawing on our members' extensive professional practice and research expertise, BPS provided valuable insight from the psychology profession on a range of policy areas – from health and education, to justice. This year's consultation responses included:
- Delivery of Psychological Therapies and Interventions: National Specification; and Draft Quality Standards for Adult Secondary Mental Health Services (our response)
- Scottish Government Review of National Outcomes (our response)
- Victims, Witnesses and Justice Reform (Scotland) Bill – Scottish Parliament Criminal Justice Committee Call for Evidence (our response)
- Scottish Government plans to introduce a new Human Rights Bill (our response)
Looking Ahead
Mental Health and Wellbeing Delivery Plan and Mental Health Workforce Action Plan Implementation
BPS will continue to engage with the Scottish Government and wider stakeholders throughout 2024 on the various relevant strands of work outlined in the Mental Health and Wellbeing Delivery Plan and Mental Health Workforce Action Plan, including:
- Recruitment and retention
- Data
- Mental Health Law Reform
- Psychological Therapies Specification
- Digital
- Primary Care
- Children and Young People
- Forensic
- Neurodiversity and learning disabilities
- Stigma
The National Care Service: changes afoot
On 6 December, the Minister for Social Care, Mental Wellbeing and Sport, Maree Todd, sent the Scottish Parliament's Finance and Public Administration Committee an update on the cost of the National Care Service (Scotland) Bill. The Minister's correspondence details significant changes proposed for stage 2 of the bill, which reflect the government's plans for:
- Local Authorities to retain responsibility for all current functions and the delivery of social work and social care services and there will be no transfer of staff or assets
- Reforming Integration Authorities (IAs) rather than creating new Care Boards
- The establishment of a National Care Service Board
The correspondence also stated that the government now plans to take a "phased approach" to NCS implementation.
The BPS will monitor developments as the bill progresses early next year.
Learning Disability, Autism and Neurodivergence Bill
On 21 December, the Scottish Government launched its public consultation on the bill. The related news release is here.
BPS attended a meeting of the Scottish Parliament's Cross Party Group on Autism on 20 November, with the upcoming Bill the topic for discussion.
Scottish Government engagement events as part of the consultation process will take place in the New Year. BPS will keep members updated on developments and submit a response to the consultation (further details below).
Open consultations
- BPS is seeking member feedback as it considers its response to the Scottish Government consultation on a draft National Specification for the Care and Treatment of Eating Disorders in Scotland. Please send your views to [email protected] by 10 January 2024.
- The Scottish Government is also consulting on plans to take forward a Wellbeing and Sustainable Development Bill. Please send views to [email protected] by 1 February 2024.
- The Scottish Government has also launched the public consultation for its Learning Disability, Autism and Neurodivergence Bill. To inform the BPS response, please send your views to [email protected] by 29 March 2024.
To view all open and closed consultations, visit: Consultations and briefings | BPS.
Thank you
Many thanks to the BPS members in Scotland, whose valuable time, insight and expertise has informed all our responses and wider engagement with policy influencers in 2023 – and will continue to do so in 2024. We couldn't do this without you!
To find out more about our policy and public affairs work in Scotland, view the Scottish Public Affairs Updates on our website or contact June Deasy, Senior Public Affairs Adviser in Scotland ([email protected]).