Public affairs update - July 2023
Information from our Public Affairs team, including the latest on the Welsh government's Together for Mental Health Review.
27 July 2023
Public Affairs Update - July 2023
Welsh Government: Together for Mental Health Review
In July, the Welsh Government consulted on draft high-level vision statements that will underpin the new revised Together for Mental Health Strategy.
This video explains each of the five statements, which are:
- People are inspired to take action to support mental wellbeing
- There is cross government action to protect good mental health and tackle stigma through the wider determinants of mental health
- The whole-system approach to emotional wellbeing is embedded across all settings
- The NHS, Local Authorities, Third Sector provide an integrated approach to mental health services
- Reduce suicide and self-harm, and provide timely access to support to those affected by suicide.
Once the statements are finalised, the Welsh Government will begin drafting the strategy, with a view to share drafts throughout the process with key reference groups to shape content. They plan to produce a final draft by the end of 2023 for public consultation.
Draft guidance on belonging, participating and engaging in schools
The Welsh Government consulted on new draft guidance to improve attendance at school.
We responded to indicate where we felt the guidance could be strengthened to ensure a whole-systems approach to supporting and not punishing those who regularly miss school.
Read our response to the consultation here.
The Senedd is in recess from 14 July to 11 September.
Open Consultations - Have your say
1. Child Poverty Strategy
The Welsh Government has published its draft Child Poverty Strategy on key five objectives that they believe will impact on the lives of children in Wales. These are:
- to reduce costs/maximise incomes;
- create pathways out of poverty;
- support child and family wellbeing;
- support services to treat children/families with dignity and respect; and
- cross-government working.
We are holding a discussion on Tuesday, 8 August from 4 – 5pm to discuss the above areas and to gather your views.
The deadline to respond is 11 September.
2. Access to Education (for disabled and neurodivergent children)
The Senedd's Children, Young People and Education Committee is holding an inquiry into Do disabled children and young people have equal access to education and childcare? They are looking specifically at:
- access to education and child provision (and the barriers);
- exclusion from school;
- experience of discrimination;
- impact on mental health and educational outcomes;
- quality of consultation on choices available;
- quality of information provision; and
- the extent to which there is adequate provision.
We are holding a discussion on Wednesday, 16 August from 4 – 5pm to discuss the above areas and to gather your views.
The deadline to respond is 29 September.
If you would like to attend the discussion groups or have your views included in our response, then please email [email protected] a week before the official deadline.