Nominations open for Lifetime Achievement Award for Distinguished Contributions to Psychological Knowledge
Nominations are now open to put someone forward to receive the BPS Lifetime Achievement Award for Distinguished Contributions to Psychological Knowledge.
20 January 2025
If you know of a colleague, a committee member or an exemplary researcher, who you think fits the Award criteria, then make sure to nominate them for the Lifetime Achievement Award.
Who does the Award recognise?
The Award aims to celebrate those who have made a substantial contribution to psychological research and knowledge. This could be shown through being published extensively in academic journals, championing early career researchers or promoting their area of psychology through involvement on committees, groups and networks.
How to nominate someone
You'll need to complete a nomination form by the deadline, and provide:
- Examples of how the person you are nominating meets the Award criteria
- Names of three references to provide supporting statements for the nomination
- A copy of the nominee's CV (if available)
You can find out more about the Award and how to nominate someone here. All nominations will need to be submitted before the deadline of Sunday 27 April 2025.
The Award winner will receive a Lifetime BPS Membership, a commemorative certificate and £1,000 to spend on furthering an area of research.