Books stacked on floor
Race, ethnicity and culture

History of Psychology Centre call for donations of records relating to Black Psychology and Black Psychologists in the UK

To coincide with Black History Month, the History of Psychology Centre (HoPC) is calling for donations of records relating to Black Psychology and Black Psychologists.

14 October 2022

By Guest

The HoPC wants to ensure collections represent the diverse communities who have contributed, and are continuing to contribute, to what psychology is today, recognising that for too long the voices and contributions of these psychologists and this area of psychology have been forgotten.

It is vital that these stories are preserved and accessible for future generations, giving a true reflection of the history of UK psychology, and also that contributions beyond psychology are recognised, which is why the HoPC is calling for donations of records.

Donations can be about the work of a group, movement or an individual who have impacted psychology within the UK. For example, community groups, individual psychologists or campaigners & activists.  

Types of material can include but are not limited to: 

  • Minutes, agendas and meeting papers 
  • Marketing (incl. Leaflets, posters etc.) 
  • Publications 
  • Correspondence 
  • Lobbying material 
  • Images
  • Recordings/video 

Records do not have to be associated with the BPS but can extend to all aspects of psychological practices and research. The HoPC would also welcome suggestions of individuals to be interviewed as part of our oral history collection, for example, see our recent oral history with Waveney Bushell.

Donations can be in paper or digital format. The HoPC reserves the right to refuse any donations if they do not align with its Archive Collections Policy.

The HoPC is committed to celebrating Black Psychologists and Black Psychology throughout the year, and so there is no deadline to donations.

If you have any questions, would like to talk with us, or have suggestions for donations, please email the HoPC - [email protected]

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