DCP In Focus: October 2023
Welcome to the October edition of DCP In Focus.
20 October 2023
Saluting our sisters
The DCP has produced a new podcast celebrating the 2023 Black History Month theme 'saluting our sisters'.
The podcast features three Black clinical psychologists - Dr Juliana Onwumere (consultant clinical psychologist), Dr Vivia Cowdrill (consultant clinical psychologist), and Professor Margo Ononaiye (director of Southampton clinical psychology doctoral programme) - who all hold senior leadership roles within the NHS and in higher education.
They are joined by host Dr Sidrah Muntaha, the DCP's equality, diversity and inclusion lead, for a discussion on their lives and careers, and to celebrate Black History Month 2023.
Dr Sidrah Muntaha said about the podcast:
"I salute these amazing women, not just for their professional achievements, but also their humility, humour and openness.
The free-flowing conversation and emotional connections made were a heart-warming experience for me, which I hope will inspire those who are watching and listening.
Thank you Viv, Margo and Juliana - and carry on shining!"
If you would like to get involved in our EDI work, please contact Sidrah or submit an expression of interest.
Leadership and management development programme
The DCP Leadership and Management Faculty is launching a new leadership and management developmental programme, which is a key part of our plans to support the development of a workforce with confident and competent leaders in the changing and complex working environments of today.
We know that there is a shortage of accessible pathways of development for our future leaders and so have created this programme to help fill the gap.
It will cover key areas of knowledge and also, very importantly, connect you to others at a similar career stage which will provide you with networking support as you move forward.
The programme starts in February 2024 with an initial cohort of 20.
The cost of the course is being subsidised by the DCP for members so the total fee per person is £300, which includes all elements of the programme except travel and accommodation.
Full details on the programme are available on our website - if you're a mid-career clinical psychologist looking to progress into a more senior role, then this is the programme for you.
Welcoming new Clinical Psychology trainees
We are welcoming our new trainees as the latest recruits to the profession by making a welcome pack available to access on the DCP website. This has resources to help people settle into training, examples of what the faculties provide and examples of recent Clinical Psychology Forum special editions
In a message to our new trainees, Julia Faulconbridge said:
"I am sure you will have had an arduous journey to this point and that you will be feeling excited and anxious about the training ahead of you.
There will be great support available to you through your courses and we, in the DCP, want to offer you all the support we can too.
We are your clinical psychology community, and we can connect you with other trainees across the UK.
As a DCP member you automatically join the pre-qualification group. The co-chairs of this group sit on the DCP executive and represent you at the centre of DCP thinking.
There are also places for pre-qualified psychologists on every DCP committee - your voice really matters."
The trainee pack has contents which will be of use to all trainees (and other members too!).
Please share them with any colleagues you feel will benefit, and maybe encourage them to join?
Alternative Handbook 2024 launched
The Alternative Handbook is a guide to training courses for aspiring clinical psychology trainees, which is written and collated by our Pre-qualification Group.
It includes responses from current trainees to a number of questions which gives those considering a future in clinical psychology a flavour of what it is like to be a trainee on the courses offered in the UK.
This year's edition is the first to be published as an interactive webpage, allowing prospective trainees to easily access useful information, charts and tables on the courses they are interested in.
The data in the handbook has been collated from the responses of 1,070 clinical psychology trainees across 32 UK courses.
Access the Alternative Handbook 2024 for free here
New reference guide promotes co-production with young people in clinical psychology
The BPS Division of Clinical Psychology's Faculty for Children, Young People and their Families has published a new document which focuses on how meaningful co-production can improve services and outcomes for young people and families.
Co-production involves including those using services in planning, decision-making, delivery and evaluation, and recognises the skills, knowledge and experiences that young people and families can bring to the table in the development of services.
The reference guide suggests five key areas of focus when co-producing a service. It also includes sections on discussing co-production with young people effectively, and ensuring it is engaging, creative and collaborative.
You can find more information and read the full guide on the DCP website.
New Faculty for Primary Care
Work has been continuing to establish this faculty, which is cross-divisional while being hosted in the DCP.
The next stage is a free webinar which is open to any member of the BPS, to be held on Tuesday November 21 2-4 pm. We are planning for this to be an event which enables people with an interest in primary care to come together to share experiences and aspirations and to think together about how we move this really important area of work forward.
Some of the areas of discussion will be :
- How the faculty has the potential of influencing wider national agendas as well as BPS higher level priorities
- Opportunities for more publications and national policy and professional development
- Opportunities to link with broader PC community, what can psychology offer across the life span, behavioural change, physical health
- Opportunities to showcase psychology to other professionals working in PC and to clarify where the workforce is
- Opportunities to link up with ICBs and engage with regional and local communities
- Engage and involve specialist areas and internal network
More details will be sent out as soon as the arrangements have been formalised - so please save the date!
Could you join the Practice Board?
The BPS is seeking a clinical psychologist to join its Practice Board.
The board members act as a responsive source of expertise, discuss current issues in psychological practice and engage in regular horizon scanning to proactively identify gaps in practice knowledge.
We are seeking members currently in practice who, in addition to being a conduit between the member networks and the board, have a wider strategic interest in the development of the profession.
More information and details on how to apply are available on the BPS website.
Have you read our latest publications?
Clinical Psychology Forum
The latest issue of Clinical Psychology Forum has been published and is the first part of a special issue series on psychology and human rights. DCP members can access it free on BPS Explore.
Child and Family Clinical Psychology Review
The latest issue of our Faculty for Children, Young People and their Families' publication, Child and Family Clinical Psychology Review, is now available on BPS Explore.
FPOP Bulletin
A new issue of our Faculty of the Psychology of Older People's Bulletin is now available on BPS Explore.
Psychology Careers Festival
The DCP will be a part of the upcoming BPS Psychology Careers Festival with a special session titled 'Diverse journeys into clinical psychology: Maps without a path'.
The session will cover what it's like to take a path into clinical psychology if you come from a background or community that is (as yet) underrepresented, and give advice to those taking their first steps.
Community psychologist Annie Mitchell will facilitate the conversation, joined by Jessica Bragg, Dr Marta Sosnowska, Dr Babak Karamiani and Momotaj Islam.
Every journey into clinical psychology is different, but listening and joining with this conversation may help you to think if this is the career for you and help prepare you for the steps ahead.
Full event tickets for the festival are now sold out, but you can still book to access a live-stream for just £4.
More information is available on the BPS website.
NHS Workforce Wellbeing Summit
30 November / 10:00-16:30 / London
Wellbeing matters for he NHS workforce, including the psychological workforce, who operate in a complex and challenging environment.
There is a consistent and worryingly high incidence of mental health problems and stress in the wider NHS workforce. The recently published workforce plan is much welcomed but does not fully provide a robust focus on staff wellbeing.
The DCP Leadership & Management Faculty and New Savoy Conference joint project is a unique initiative to gain a longitudinal picture of staff wellbeing among psychological professionals. It sets out to raise awareness and reset the balance by challenging this last refuge for stigma.
Join us for this summit, which will be looking at the issues surrounding workforce wellbeing in the NHS and looking at both barriers and enablers to building a better culture.
You can find more information and secure your place on the BPS website.
More upcoming events
The BPS London and Home Counties Branch is hosting a networking event on psychology and climate change on 31 October.
A BPS webinar offers an introduction to online gambling on 13 November.
Our East Midlands Branch is hosting an event on adapting therapeutic work for neurodivergence on 16 November.
Darren McGarvey is the main keynote speaker at our Faculty for Psychosis and Complex Mental Health's annual conference on 23 November.
Our Faculty for Eating Disorders hosts a webinar on supporting eating disorder recovery on 23 November.
A free event on 23 November offers newly-registered clinical and counselling psychologists an introduction to to the UK workforce.
DCP Northern Ireland hosts its AGM and a networking event on 30 November.
DCP Wales hosts an event on maintaining compassion, trust and connection in clinical psychology on 30 November