In focus
BPS updates

DCP In Focus: May 2023

Read the May issue of DCP In Focus

12 May 2023

​​​​​Welcome to the May newsletter - we hope you find it useful, informative and interesting

As you may have seen, Roman Raczka, the current DCP chair, has been elected as the next BPS President-Elect.

We offer him our congratulations and are sure he will be an excellent President when the time comes.

You should also have received the abbreviated form of our Review of the Year in the post, which was created in part to try to reach members who are not signed up for electronic communications and encourage them to do that.

You can read a PDF version on our website.

If you value being a DCP member, it would be really good if you could share it with non member colleagues to see if they might be inspired to join too.

We are also going to highlight the work of different people on the DCP executive over this year, starting with the communications lead.

As always, we are very happy to hear your views and comments.

- Julia Faulconbridge


Leadership special issue of Clinical Psychology Forum now available

'No need for heroes - leadership must be evident everywhere'.

This quote comes from this month's CPF special issue on 'Current leadership practices within the UK public sector: A call to action'.

As part of marking the 20 year anniversary of the DCP Leadership and Management Faculty, the edition looks at the leadership challenges the profession is faced with.

A case is made for a concentrated effort to built upon our strengths and address the gaps to aim for an engaged, impactful, public-focused professional leadership which builds upon relationships and works collaboratively.   

This requires advocacy for thriving and sustainable work conditions, and investment in future generations of leadership, fostering enablers and addressing the key barriers.

The faculty is keen to use the rich contributions made by many authors as a springboard to initiate a professional dialogue on how best to maximise leadership support and meaningful impact going forward.

We are also inviting people across the career span in lead roles to join the faculty committee to influence our future strategy. Please contact us if you are interested.

- Amra Rao

Dr Roman Raczka elected as BPS President-Elect

DCP chair Dr Roman Raczka has been elected as the next BPS President-Elect following a vote of the society membership. Congratulations Roman!

He will take up his position at the AGM in July, serving as President-Elect for one year ahead of a two-year term as President.

He told the BPS website:

"I would like to thank everyone for voting in this election, and for putting your trust in me as the society's next President-Elect.

I am delighted to accept this important role in the BPS to serve the whole psychology community.

To be President-Elect is both an honour and a responsibility which I will take very seriously.

I hope to bring together different perspectives in our shared passion for psychology, and to work on behalf of all our members."


Join us at the European Congress of Psychology

The Division of Clinical Psychology is proud to be hosting a special event at the European Congress of Psychology 2023, in the form of two symposia on Wednesday 5 July 2023.

Clinical Psychology Training in the United Kingdom

In this symposium, we will joined by Professor Tony Lavender, Dr Annette Schlösser, David Gibbs and Dr Gary Lee to provide an overview of the development of clinical training over the past 70 years, the current successes and challenges faced by clinical psychology training courses and the involvement of experts by experience.

Clinical Psychology Research and Practice in the United Kingdom

This symposium has invited speakers who have been recent winners of two of the most important and significant awards made by the DCP - the MB Shapiro Award and the May Davidson Award.

DCP chair Dr Roman Raczka will present an overview of the DCP awards, before we welcome recent winners to present on their work.

The 2021 MB Shapiro Award winner Professor Pauline Slade will present on 'Perspectives across almost 50 years working in the psychology of reproductive health', and we will also welcome 2022 winner Professor Michael Barkham on 'Enhancing practice-based evidence in routinely delivered psychological therapies'.

They will be joined by 2022's May Davidson Award winner Dr Filippo Varese, who will present on 'Trauma and psychosis: Towards evidence-based treatment and prevention'.

If you want to join us for this event, you can purchase a special one day ticket that is exclusively available for BPS members. This will give you access to the entire ECP scientific programme for the day of the event, so you can enjoy our keynote speakers, network with peers and hear from leaders in psychology from around the globe.

Book your one-day ticket now.

Plus, if you're interested in joining us for the whole congress, we've got a special offer that is available to BPS members. If you buy a three-day congress ticket, you'll receive your 2024 membership subscription for free (terms and conditions apply).

Early bird tickets remain available until 14 May, so act now and secure your place at this festival of European psychology.

Updates from the executive


We are going to feature the work of the various members of the DCP executive over the next year, starting with communications lead Julia Faulconbridge.

When I took on the role of communications and publications lead for DCP in April 2021, there was only a very rudimentary communications structure and over the last two years I have been working to make communications a central function for the whole DCP.

In doing this I am supported by the executive and all our networks. We have built up very positive relationships with the BPS staff in the communications and engagement directorate who support all our work and help us have an increasingly strong voice. This is a reciprocal relationship and the DCP supports the BPS work wherever it is relevant.

Initially I identified three key areas of focus:

1. Intra-DCP organisational connectivity
  • Linking the networks and working groups closely with the executive
  • Keeping all our networks well-informed
  • Sharing their knowledge and expertise across the other networks, maximising co-working and effectiveness
  • Supporting networks working together
2. Communications with members
  • So they know what the DCP is, what it does, and how it relates to them
  • Hearing their voices, involving them in discussions, enabling them to participate and contribute more effectively
  • Keeping them up-to-date with all professional issues
  • Keeping them up-to-date on opportunities, events, training etc.
  • Marketing to increase membership
3. Communications with the public and external bodies
  • Sharing psychological knowledge
  • Getting clinical psychology into the media, both mainstream and social
  • Supporting those in need of help
  • Influencing policy makers etc.
  • Linking with other relevant bodies

We have made significant progress in all those areas, though there is much still to do, and hope that DCP members will have seen at least some improvements. Indeed, this DCP in Focus newsletter is a key achievement as, prior to this, we had no newsletter for the whole division. We hope that you feel better connected and more informed as a result.

A few other examples of what we have done are:

  • The DCP Review of the Year 2022 which summarised the breadth and depth of the work undertaken across the DCP on your behalf - this is the first time this has been done and we plan to make it an annual publication
  • Media training has been provided by the BPS which is helping build the confidence of people to take part in media activities - clinical psychologists have been involved in radio, TV and newspaper interviews to a greater extent than ever before
  • Working with the BPS public affairs team to influence policy makers on issues like poverty, universal credit and the confidentiality of therapy notes in rape and serious sexual assault cases
  • Working to make the new DCP website as accessible and useful as it can be
  • Creating materials to encourage trainees to join the DCP, including a video, leaflet, slides sets for teaching and social media campaigns

The DCP is currently working on the development of an updated strategy for its work. This is going to be an exciting time for all involved in DCP communications as we are going to refresh the image of the DCP and make it more modern, accessible and representative of our core values.

Communications sub-committee

This group has been intrinsic to all the work undertaken in the last two years and will play a major role in the new developments. We would really welcome more people to join us who have an interest in communications.

To be fully effective, we need to have people who, through their life experience, can represent the diversity of the profession, including across all career grades.

If you have an interest in how the DCP develops and want to help amplify its voice, then please consider joining the sub-committee. It meets monthly between 5:30 and 7pm. There are sometimes additional meetings for those who can make them when we are working up particular areas like the trainee campaign.

The sub-committee had a stretegy meeting in January and decided on the following priorities for this year:

  • Social media, including a campaign on 'why I should be a DCP member'
  • Website improvement
  • DCP strategy development
  • Promoting Clinical Psychology Forum and DCP publications
  • Continuing to work with the membership lead on provision for trainee and newly qualified psychologists

If you would like to know more please contact me.

Social media task and finish group

The communications sub-committee wants to set up a task and finish group to help us achieve two aims:

  • Consider the DCP's current social media output and see how this can be improved in the short term
  • Develop a longer term social media strategy

We are looking for people who are interested in and excited by social media and who have ideas which can help us move forward. If this sounds like you, we would love to hear from you. If you want to have a chat about it, please get in touch.

Climate change update

I am very excited to be bringing together a fantastic and motivated group of clinical psychologists who want to make a real difference on this critical issue.

Almost every day we hear another worrying story about the environment. Over the last weekend I attended the XR Big One event around Westminster.

There was a health hub which highlighted the impact of climate change on our bodies and minds.

The BPS wasn't represented, which needs to change. We need to be more involved and make allies in this journey. The BPS has now finally set up its Climate Change Environmental Action Coordination (CEAC) group, which I attend as well as Tony Wainwright. We are pushing hard for the BPS to add urgency to its commitments on climate change. Lots of work to be done, but CEAC is a really feisty group that gives me hope.

In the DCP we have our own Climate Change Environmental Action Group (CEAG) forum. We currently have an eight point action plan to bring sustainability to the heart of all that the DCP does. If you are active in a faculty, region or nation, watch out for a visit from me quite soon.

On Thursday 27 April I addressed the NHS Sustainability Leads Network on the 'psychology of climate change'. It's a chance to get some behavioural science into the great work this group does across the NHS. Did you know that almost five per cent of all carbon emissions in the UK are from healthcare? That's perhaps double the aviation industry.

I hope you are raising sustainability issues in your own workplaces. There is plenty to do and less time to do it. Let's get started and work together.

- Ryan Kemp


Power Threat Meaning Framework update

We continue to have an active and thriving committee of experts by experience and experts by profession who are completing a range of trainings, projects and activities. This includes publishing book chapters on climate change, and publishing work on the PTMF in a range of languages. 

The Japanese translation of the 'Straight talking introduction to the Power Threat Meaning Framework' has been launched and a number of newly developing Patterns have been made available on the PTMF webpage. There are five additional patterns now available, including 'Suicide and suicidality in men in midlife'. 

We will be seeking expressions of interest for committee members who are people of the global majority to work towards a committee that is representative of the ethnicities that make up the UK population. 

As always we are interested in hearing about all the varied work that is happening that draws on PTMF principles and you can submit your work via good practice examples. We are regularly updating resources on the PTMF webpage, and we encourage members to use the section of the webpage to network with others interested in the PTMF.

- Anne Darcy

Black and Asian psychologists fund

Applications are now open for the fund which is designed to support members from Black and Asian backgrounds in furthering their psychological careers.

The fund has two application windows, open in April and October, and applications can be made for support towards professional development (including CPD) of Black and Asian psychologists in the UK.

For example, grants could be made to fund conference attendance, CPD events, research projects or clinical/professional supervision. It is also hoped the fund will help enhance the UK psychological workforce.

More information is available on the BPS website.


EDI data collection

The British Psychological Society is committed to creating an inclusive environment for all members, by identifying and removing potential barriers to progress and involvement.

We are asking Members to update their equality, diversity and inclusion data. This data covers things like ethnicity, gender and disability.

Completion is voluntary and your data will be treated in the strictest confidence in line with the UK General Data Protection Regulation 2021, Data Protection Act 2018 and Equality Act 2010.

How can you fill in your EDI data?

Log in to your BPS account and click my BPS. One of these tiles is titled 'Equality Data.' When you click on the tile you will be asked to fill in a number of drop down questions. The form takes approximately five minutes to complete.

Why are we asking for this data?

By completing equality, diversity and inclusion monitoring, you will help us better understand our society, while enabling us to identify priorities and actions. Data also helps our member networks, branches and sections plan and shape their work.

How will this data be stored and who owns the data?

You do! You can log in at any time and change or delete the data you have provided. All equality data is anonymous and you will only ever be asked to complete it through the membership portal. Data is encrypted with only a selected number of staff who have access. All data collection and retention follows the standards set out in the national legislation listed above.

I don't live in the United Kingdom. Should I still complete the form?

It's up to you whether you complete the form. If you do not live in the United Kingdom or any of its wider territories we advise you do not compete the form unless you wish to.


There are lots of relevant events coming up, organised by the DCP and the wider BPS:

The joint BPS and RCPSych Accreditation Programme for Psychological Therapies Services is holding one of its themed special interest days on 17 May, looking at 'working systematically with families and communities'.

Our Faculty of Psychosis and Complex Mental Health hosts an 'in conversation with...' event with Margo Ononaiye on the impact of race on clinical psychology on 17 May.

The DCP Faculty for People with Intellectual Disabilities holds its annual conference across 22 and 23 May at the BPS offices in London.

The BPS is holding a cross-network climate emergency and psychology engagement event on 2 June.

Another Faculty of Psychosis and Complex Mental Health 'in conversion with...' event, this time with Deborah Lee talking about compassion, takes place on 7 June.

The Faculty for Children, Young People and their Families hosts an event on 'trauma-informed care in inpatient CAMHS' on 14 June.

Our Faculty of Perinatal Psychology is hosting an event on 'supporting maternity staff' on 15 June.


HCPC consultation

The HCPC has launched a public consultation on its Standards of Conduct, Performance and Ethics (SCPEs). These standards form the ethical framework within which registrants must work.

The revisions fall under five key themes:

  1. equality, diversity and inclusion
  2. communication with colleagues, service users and carers
  3. duty of candour
  4. upskilling and training responsibilities
  5. managing existing health conditions and disabilities in the workplace

An additional theme, sustainability in health and care, is discussed in the consultation to explore future revision to the standards. The HCPC has also reviewed the guidance on the use of social media, and welcomes comments on this.

Following the consultation work, the HCPC intends to publish the updated standards in September 2023. A year-long implementation period will follow and bring the Standards into effect in September 2024.

The HCPC is also consulting on revised social media guidance.

How to take part:

If you are interested in contributing to these important consultations, please send your comments using the response form(s) provided to Nigel Atter by 2 June.

Apply to become co-chair of the APPTS project board

The Accreditation Programme for Psychological Therapies Services (APPTS) is currently looking to recruit an experienced professional from the field of psychological therapies as co-chair of our project board.

The successful candidate will join a developing team of board members to become one of two chairs: one representing The Royal College of Psychiatrists, such as an APPTS member services, and one representing the British Psychological Society (BPS).

What is the project board?

The APPTS project board comprises professionals who represent key interests and areas of expertise in the field of psychological therapies services, and service users and carers who have experience of using these services. The purpose of the group is to advise and further the work of APPTS, whose aim is to improve the quality of psychological therapies services through a process of standards-based peer review.

If you would like to apply, please ensure you have read the role description before completing the application form, which can be obtained from the APPTS team.

Current opportunities

DCP England chair

The chairs of the regional DCP branches are all on the DCP England committee, chaired and led by the DCP England chair.

The current DCPE chair, Kalpita Kunde, has recently become DCP chair elect, so we are seeking someone new to step into this role.

A summary of the committee's work in 2022 was:

  • The DCP England committee has had an active participation and involvement on trauma, race and intersectionality, supporting and influencing inclusion and diversity work. Work has also focused on strengthening links with other key sub group chairs including our prequal and minorities groups.

  • The committee has had very good DCP representation to new trainees across some regions which has included active engagement with membership through newsletters, surveys, via social media and with widening access work that have supported developments in the wider careers focused work within the BPS.

  • Some key successful events were around the intergenerational trauma and race webinars including a symposium presented at the DCP conference, and other branch specific events from tackling social class and class-based inequalities to moving forwards with Long Covid from a lived experiences perspective."

Communications sub-committee

We already have a communications sub-committee and want to expand the number of people to increase what we can achieve. We are looking for people with commitment, energy and new, creative ideas to help us move forward and would love to welcome you to our group.

The communications sub-committee needs to be truly diverse in its composition and to have members at all levels of their careers.

You do not need to have experience in this field - the aim is for the sub-committee to be a dynamic and supportive team with shared learning and mentoring integral to its operation. 

As part of our communications work, we are also forming a group to look at the DCP's social media output.

For more information on either of these roles and how to apply, please get in touch.

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