Clinical Psychology Accreditation Standards open for public consultation
The public consultation period for feedback on the draft Clinical Psychology Accreditation Standards has opened.
01 March 2024
The consultation period will be open until 30 March 2024 and is part of the standard review process for accreditation standards.
The standards have already been through stage one of the review process with input and feedback from 35 different groups who have significant involvement in Clinical Psychology Training and/or the profession of clinical psychology. Extensive feedback was collated, reviewed and incorporated into this current draft.
The document sets out the required learning outcomes for clinical psychology doctoral courses, in line with the HCPC and promotes excellence in clinical psychology and training.
The standards are also designed to work beyond those quality thresholds by promoting quality enhancement and should be interpreted and applied flexibly by institutions, in a way that enables programmes to develop distinctive identities that make the most of strengths shared by their staff team.
This latest version includes several updates including an additional Foundational Programme Standard – Equality, Equity, Anti-discrimination, and Inclusion.
Individuals are encouraged to send any feedback on the standards to ensure they are fit for purpose.
Download the current draft Clinical Psychology Accreditation Standards