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Celebrating the achievements of BPS members

Recognising the amazing work that BPS members have done in 2024.

18 December 2024

ByBPS Communications

BPS members do amazing work throughout the year. From organising conferences and events, to taking the time to support those who are new to the profession, the end of the year is the perfect time to recognise those who have gone above and beyond.  

Below are some testimonials from BPS members about the incredible achievements and impactful projects from fellow members. Thank you to everyone who took the time to recognise a member for their hard work and dedication. 

Dr Linda Kaye 

I met Prof. Kaye at the Cyberpsychology conf this year, (my first ever conference), and she was so approachable and interested. The following week she then made time to answer questions she hadn't had time for during her speech on her X account, personally replying, which was both impressive and humbling given her busy schedule. She made time to talk at the BPS careers fair, which, for my fellow students was a great way to get some real insight into the cyberpsychology work world. All in all, I wish to thank her for her for making time for all students, be they at Edge Hill or further afield and for making cyberpsychology a real talking point.  

Dr Frank Pearson 

Frank has been, and continues to be, very supportive and helpful as a mentor and books editor for DECP Debate, encouraging me to become books editor for DARTP Review. He always goes above and beyond to assist anyone he comes across whenever he can.  

Maxine Caine and Dr Fiona Coley 

Max and Fi have worked together to build a fantastic community with the EP profession, strongly grounded in positive psychology. Through their PositiviTEA initiative they have creating an informal, rewarding and supportive community where the focus is on applying positive psychology and developing connections with likeminded colleagues. Their PositiviTEA sessions have been attended by hundreds of EPs and some allied professionals. Their warmth, empathy and genuineness shine through and I think this is a fantastic example of grassroots work building something really special. Through what they do they raise the profile of both educational psychology and psychology more generally.  

Fauzia Khan 

Since 2021, Fauzia Khan has been meeting psychologists and other allied mental health professionals to discuss their life and work. The interviews she has carried out cover a wide range of topics, including lived experience, co-production, trauma-informed practice, challenging systems and models, EDI, anti-racism, equity for older people, islamophobia, among many other important subjects. This has been with the view to raise awareness around topical issues and debates within psychology; as well as shining a light on the diverse areas that psychologists and allied mental health professional's work in. These interviews have been well received.  

Additionally, Fauzia has also shared her own journey into psychology, where she speaks vulnerably about her experiences of being from a marginalised and underprivileged background, with the hope to inspire others with similar lived-experiences to not be disheartened and to not let the barriers in their lives prevent them from achieving their dreams.  

Dr Ian Tyndall 

Ian's leadership in the Coaching Psychology Conference at University of Chichester in April 2024 was masterful. He then built upon a successful day by championing a special issue of The Coaching Psychologist with articles by speakers. The issue is highly anticipated, and extends the impact of the conference.  

Dr Christopher Jarrold 

Chris is currently the Chair of BPS Developmental Section. I wish to nominate him for going above and beyond. He has sent me a very warm welcome when I first joined the committee, and has a wonderful approachable attitude to both BPS duties and academia. He made sure that I'm not left behind and I appreciate the thoughtful manner in both meetings and communication. He has also stepped into the Hon Sec role temporarily and both roles are key to a strong committee.  

In addition to his superior leadership and to the world of psychology, Chris has modelled what BPS psychologists should be. Recently, Chris gave me constructive feedback on a grant application. Not only the grant application is lengthy and tedious (aren't they all) and not in his area of expertise, he took time to do this meticulously based on his experience as a reviewer on many international funders (and I know he had a pile of marking to do as usual). I am already more confident that my revised application is much stronger than before.  

Dr Charlie Eyre 

A long-term presence within the BPS PTC. A fabulous example of someone committed to lifelong learning (for which he has influenced me hugely) and benefits of giving back to our community as psychologists.  

Dr Dan O'Hare 

Dan O'Hare is an inspiring Educational Psychologist and Teaching Fellow Senior Lecturer at the University of Bristol, committed to promoting children's wellbeing and upholding their rights. As the founder of edpsy (2016) and a driving force behind the EP Online platform, Dan has tirelessly worked to make educational psychology more accessible to schools, families, and communities. 

Dan has applied his expertise to enhance initiatives focused on gender, equality and wellbeing in schools, providing valuable insights into how educational psychology can drive broader social and educational reforms. edpsy has launched a thesis and mentoring directory, organised events to connect and inspire others, and supported the translation of key documents into six languages to improve accessibility.  

Guided by strong ethics, an abundance mindset, and a commitment to empowering others, Dan has also influenced policy and championed charity appeals for vulnerable people. His contributions demonstrate his passion for equity and care, making a lasting impact on educational psychology. An inspiration to countless EPs, TEPs, and Assistant EPs, Dan's creativity, generosity, and innovative ideas continue to shape and strengthen our profession. We are truly fortunate to have him as part of our EP community. The world needs more Dans. He really needs his own award.  

Dr Joanna Hill 

Joanna has campaigned tirelessly to develop inclusive, solution focused and positive psychology for children and young people. Her contribution to the BPS literacy working group has endeavoured to create best possible and research-based assessment, intervention, advice and support for parents/careers and schools.  

This contribution continues to progress long standing debates about dyslexia and literacy difficulties. Joanna has consistently brought new learning and discussion from the BPS and forefront of psychology development to inform practice in Jersey, and has advocated for families to receive best practice in the field of educational psychology. Often, this has required great determination, integrity and passion in her role to drive change. 

Yetunde Ade-Serrano

Yetunde has previously served on the Division of Counselling Psychology Committee as Chair, Honorary Treasurer and promoting the importance of equality and diversity through establishing the Lead in Culture and Difference within and across Ethnic Communities role years before the wider Society and member networks took up the mantle. She has furthered this work by leading on the establishment of the Black and Asian Counselling Psychology Group, ensuring a supportive space and mentoring colleagues established and new to the profession. 

She led on the development of the BPS Black and Asian Applied Psychologists Fund, offering financial support for training. Yetunde was a key player in the establishment of the Global Counselling Psychology Forum, bringing together colleagues from across the globe to share knowledge, best practice in its promotion of mental health and well-being across diverse contexts, advocating for the highest standards in training and professional practice, and supporting the advancement of Counselling Psychology around the globe.

Yetunde continues to advocate for the profession of counselling psychology sitting on the BPS Practice Board and sitting on the National Psychological Professions Network Steering Group.

Dr Antonia Dietmann 

Antonia's involvement in reconstructing our services and bringing them up to date in a such a short period of time, has been one of the most admirable things I have witnessed since working for our department. All these was done while making sure all was aligned with standards of BPS and HCPC. She constantly is involved in project with BPS to make sure that Qualifications of Occupational Psychology has the right standards to which we all work for and towards to. 

Emma McDonald

Emma McDonald is an outstanding member of the DART-P and Standing Committee on Psychology Education in Schools and Colleges (SCoPESC). Not only has she been instrumental in helping to organise recent DART-P networking events, such as the extremely successful teaching careers in focus DART-P CPD day on 22 November 2024, she has also done a fantastic job in helping to improve cross-sector communication between university and pre-university teachers through her role as representative for Wales on the Standing Committee on Psychology Education in Schools and Colleges. 

Moreover, she is tirelessly campaigning for the introduction of a subject specific PGCE for pre-university Psychology Teachers in Wales. Emma has also offered invaluable support to me as the new Chair of the Standing Committee on Psychology Education in Schools and Colleges as well as the DART-P committee as a whole! It is largely thanks to Emma's efforts in introducing me to contacts and events within the BPS and external organisations that I have been able to promote the work of the association for the Teaching of Psychology, the European Federation of Psychology Teachers Association and the Standing Committee on Psychology Education in Schools and Colleges in my recent talks for the BPS 2024 careers Festival and the University of Glasgow's Teaching Innovation Learning Enhancement network in November 2024. 

Emma is a valuable colleague to all who work with her, and I welcome this opportunity to officially celebrate and thank her for what she has done for us all! 

Laura Garwood

Laura has an infectious energy and commitment to getting new research communicated to, and used by, practitioners. She was instrumental in the organisation of this year's DOCP annual conference (which was brilliant). 

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