NHS nurse in blue scrubs smiling at camera

Celebrating 75 years of the NHS

The BPS is celebrating the NHS’s 75th birthday, recognising all the staff who work in the health service and the contribution of psychology and psychologists.

05 July 2023

ByBPS Communications

Founded in 1948 the NHS was the first universal health system to be available to all, free at the point of delivery. Integral to the NHS is its staff, who work tirelessly to care for patients every day.

Psychological professionals, including psychologists, psychological therapists and psychological practitioners, are making a rapidly growing contribution to the NHS across mental health and physical health services, with the publication of the recent workforce plan committing to a significant long-term expansion of the psychological workforce.

We want to take this opportunity not just to thank and recognise the incredible work of all NHS staff, but also highlight the need to support NHS staff wellbeing. As is clear, the NHS is nothing without its staff, and it is vital that we look after those who spend their days looking after others.

It is crucially important that existing and future staff members can be assured they are working for an employer that cares about and supports them, which is why our campaign to fund the NHS Staff Mental Health and Wellbeing Hubs is more important than ever.

There is no better way to say thank you to the NHS and its staff, but supporting a campaign fighting to protect their wellbeing. Find out more and write to your MP now.

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