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Health, Health and wellbeing

BPS welcomes Women’s Health Plan for Wales

The society is encouraged by the 10-year vision to improve healthcare for women throughout their lifetime.

11 December 2024

The Women's Health Plan, published yesterday, sets out how NHS organisations in Wales will close the gender health gap by 'providing better health services for women, ensuring they are listened to, and their health needs are understood'.

NHS Wales said research shows that while women live longer than men, they live fewer years free from disability, wait longer for pain relief and many women report having their symptoms dismissed.

Sharon Davis, chair of the BPS Welsh Branch, said:

"We're pleased that the plan covers so many aspects of women's health and that it acknowledges the psychological and mental health impact in many of the target areas. 

"The plan must be delivered through collaboration with a genuine push to put women's health higher on the agenda. We're interested to see how the new women's health hubs will operate in each health board and are hopeful that psychology provision and psychological support will form a large part of this."

The plan, based on feedback from around 4,000 women across Wales, includes nearly 60 actions across eight priority areas including menstrual health, menopause, violence against women and girls and ageing well and long-term conditions across the life span.


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