BPS response to new NHS England regional model for gender identity services for children and young people
Today NHS England has announced a new regional model for gender identity services for children and young people.
28 July 2022
Following recommendations from The Cass Review, NHS England has announced a new model to support young people, which once fully operational, aims to increase capacity and improve access to care.
We will carefully review the new proposals as more detail becomes available and will respond to the planned consultation on the new service. The most important issue is that children who are exploring their gender identity, and their families, are able to access the professional support they require, without long waiting lists and any delays to therapy and treatment.
We are aware that some BPS members will work across the Tavistock Clinic and that this news might be unsettling and upsetting for them. We would encourage any members who are affected by this to seek support from their Union or by contacting the BPS where we will work, as their professional body, to support them accordingly.
For children and their families who might be concerned or distressed by this news, and what it might mean for their ability to access the therapy and support they need, we have listed some places where they can access support. The Tavistock Clinic has also provided a detailed list of FAQs on its website, along with a statement on these new proposals.
YoungMinds support for young people