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Legal, criminological and forensic, LGBTQ+

BPS responds to announcement of plans to ban conversion therapy in Queen’s Speech

The BPS has welcomed the announcement today in the Queen’s Speech that the government will take legislative steps to ban conversion therapy.

11 May 2021

We urge the government to act with speed to outlaw this practice, which is unethical, potentially harmful and not supported by evidence.

Dr Adam Jowett, chair of the British Psychological Society's Sexualities Section, said:

This news is a step in the right direction and we are encouraged that the government will move to bring forward measures to ban conversion therapy.

It is vitally important that a ban is implemented as soon as possible.

Diversity in sexual orientation and gender identity represent normal human variation and the BPS believes that gender and sexual minorities should be protected from discrimination.

This includes protection from unethical therapies that purport to change or 'convert' sexual orientation or gender identity.

We will continue to work closely with partners and hold the government to account on this issue to ensure this harmful and abusive practice is banned.

The BPS will work closely with its members and fellow stakeholders to respond to the government consultation on the banning of conversion therapy.