BPS Practice Board looks to recruit a neuropsychologist or occupational psychologist
The Practice Board is looking to appoint a new member.
30 January 2025
The Practice Board acts as a responsive source of expertise, discusses current issues in psychological practice and engages in regular horizon scanning to proactively identify gaps in practice knowledge.
We are seeking a neuropsychologist and occupational psychologist, currently in practice who, in addition to being a conduit between the member networks and the Board, has a wider strategic interest in the development of the profession.
Role description
The role of member of the Practice Board is a voluntary role and contributes to the governance of the BPS. PB members are expected to contribute knowledge and experience in their context of practice to the work of the Board. You will do this as an individual with experience in a particular domain, context or nation rather than trying to represent these in their entirety.
PB members are expected to have good two-way communication with their relevant network. When you begin your role, you will be put in touch with the network to help facilitate this. For most members this will be the relevant Division or Special Group; for members from the devolved nations this will be the Nation Branches and for the Wider Psychological Workforce role, this would be with the Registration Advisory Panel.
You are expected to communicate current gaps in practice knowledge to the Board, as items are discussed. Similarly, you will bring emerging issues from your context of practice, these may be from your relevant network, your own experience or from horizon scanning. You should also share the relevant work of the Board with your network including relevant discussions; upcoming documents or consultations; and work which may require cross domain input.
Network Benefits
BPS networks will benefit from good communication with the PB member relevant to their network. We suggest that PB members are invited to committee meetings and copied into relevant communications, such as minutes and agendas so they easily learn about work that is happening, work that is needed and emerging issues and bring these direct to the Board for input and support as appropriate.
PB members will also be able to share the progress of existing PB work and let networks know about new work including opportunities on how networks and their members can get involved. Member networks can use the 'Internal Representative' role on their committee to facilitate this collaboration. This will mean the PB member can come and share information but will not have a voting role and will not be expected to complete any other responsibilities. The member networks team can facilitate this or help with any queries.
The BPS is committed to equality, diversity and inclusion and we encourage applications from all backgrounds. To apply please complete the application form.
Please contact the practice team with any queries [email protected]
The deadline for applications is 3 March 2025