BPS manifesto for Wales in development
Find out more about the progress for our manifesto ahead of the 2026 Sennedd election.
05 March 2025
Development of the BPS manifesto for the next Sennedd election, expected to take place in May 2026, is well underway, with a draft soon to be sent to the BPS Wales policy group for review.
Our manifesto will be key to our policy and public affairs activity in Wales in the run up to the election and beyond.
Manel Tippett, senior public affairs adviser for Wales, said:
"This is an important time, ahead of the next Senedd elections, to develop our high impact psychologically led policy calls that we want the next Welsh Government to adopt. The elections are just one year away, and as the political parties develop their own manifestos, it's key that we are aligned in the areas that we want to press for improvements.
"Our manifesto will determine where we focus our policy and influencing activities up until the election and beyond. It will align with our Psychology Matters campaign to help drive the change and improvements we want to see for our communities. We look forward to engaging with all the main political parties on our calls to action and continuing to share the views of the profession more widely with policy influencers.
"We want to see psychology at the heart of policymaking. Psychology has a fundamental role in helping to tackle some of the most crucial policy issues we are facing, and a psychological approach puts people and their communities first."
To find out more about the manifesto and our wider policy work in Wales, please contact Manel Tippett on [email protected] .