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BPS updates

Applications open for new Chair of the Board of Trustees

We are pleased to announce that applications for the new role of Chair of the Board of Trustees are now open.

27 September 2022

ByBPS Communications

Following a successful member vote earlier this year about changes to our Charter and Statutes, and subsequent approval by the Privy Council, the new role of Chair of the Board of Trustees was introduced.

The role will be responsible for operating in the interest of the members, ensuring compliance with the society's charitable objectives, protecting the society's assets and reputation, and is ultimately charged with ensuring the long-term health and sustainability of the society.

As recently approved in the new Charter, the society will consider applications from non-members, with the aim of securing a wide-range of candidates with the necessary skills, expertise and experience to take up this important role.

The appointment process is being led by the Governance, Board Effectiveness and Nominations Sub-committee of the Board of Trustees, supported by Odgers Berndtson. Applications will close on Sunday 23 October.

If you think you have the expertise and skills for this role, or know someone who does, we would encourage you to apply and share details of the role. We welcome and encourage applications from people of all backgrounds particularly applications from people with a disability, BAME and LGBT+ who are currently under-represented across the society.

For more information, and to apply, please visit the Odgers Berndtson website.

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