Neuropsychologist job profile
Neuropsychology is concerned with the assessment and rehabilitation of people with brain injury or other neurological disease.
Learn more about this career path
Neuropsychologists work with people of all ages dealing with patients who have had traumatic brain injury, strokes, toxic and metabolic disorders, tumours and neurodegenerative diseases.
Neuropsychologists require not only general clinical skills and knowledge of the broad range of mental health problems, but also a substantial degree of specialist knowledge in the neurosciences.
Neuropsychology is a post qualification discipline, in which you first need to be a Chartered Psychologist within the field of clinical or educational psychology.
The clinical side of neuropsychology overlaps with academic neuropsychology, which provides a scientific understanding of the relationship between brain and neuropsychological function.
Neuropsychologists most commonly work in acute settings, usually in regional neuroscience centres where their main focus is on the early effects of trauma, neurosurgery and neurological diseases. They also work in rehabilitation centres providing post-acute assessment, training and support for people who have sustained brain injury, or who have other neurological problems. Experienced neuropsychologists also commonly a
To become a Practitioner Full Member of the Division of Neuropsychology you will need:
- Graduate Basis for Chartered Membership (GBC) (this is achieved by completing a society accredited degree or an accredited conversion course)
- Accredited postgraduate training programme that gives eligibility for membership as a Chartered Psychologist through the Clinical, Counselling, or Educational training route
- To have completed either the society's Qualification in Clinical Neuropsychology (QiCN) or the relevant society accredited course(s)
Neuropsychologists may be employed within the National Health Service (NHS), and also in the independent sector within both private and not-for-profit charitable organisations. Pay is on the same scales as clinical psychologists. However, many senior neuropsychologists substantially supplement their income by undertaking private medico-legal consultancy as expert witnesses in personal injury cases.
Jobs advertisements may be found in the following locations:
- Jobs in Psychology - Find Top Psychology Jobs In The UK
- The Psychologist app
- On the NHS Jobs website
- In the National Press
- In specialist publications from the Health Service Journal and Department of Health website
Further information
What to do with a 2:2?
Admissions tutors will not normally accept graduates with a 2:2 unless they have achieved some higher qualification too. Any psychology Masters degree would be relevant: the main thing is that the MSc demonstrates applied research ability - a taught MSc would be less relevant unless there is a heavy emphasis on research methods.
Courses are looking for evidence that the person has the required academic and research ability. Usually this means an MSc or MPhil in which the candidate has successfully completed an applied research project. Contact the universities directly for more specific information on their entry criteria.
What funding is available?
Course organisers are usually best placed to give advice on funding. There are a number of websites that offer information about postgraduate funding. A few examples are listed below:
- Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU)
- DirectGov - Funding your postgraduate course
- Learn Direct - Postgraduate Funding
- Postgraduate studentships
- Prospects - Funding my further study
Other useful links:
- Division of Neuropsychology (DON)
- BPS Explore - find neuropsychology publications through our online shop
- Download our Psychology Careers Guide (PDF, 997KB)
- Download our Neuropsychology careers map (PDF, 80KB)