Wales Millennium Centre, Cardiff Bay

The BPS in Wales

The Welsh Branch has some 1600 members distributed widely across Wales, with main groupings around the major towns and cities, and a committee which includes representatives from across the country.


The Welsh Branch exists to promote and advance psychology as a whole but with particular relevance to policy and practice in Wales.

The branch helps our members to meet up (virtually or in person) and share ideas with other psychologists.

You are automatically allocated membership to the Welsh Branch if you are a BPS member based in Wales.

Our Welsh branch e-newsletter informs members of activities and initiatives that are relevant to our members in Wales, as well as requests for engagement on topical issues.

Please note: members must opt in to receive emails (more information can be found on the join tab).

The BPS Divisions with Welsh representatives are:

For further information or to join a Welsh BPS committee contact [email protected].

Welsh Branch activity

Events and conferences

Every year we organise an Annual Student Conference, usually in mid-to-late April, whose themes are purposefully broad-ranging so as to attract as many delegates as possible.

We also hold a number of Scientific Meetings throughout the year.

Please check the Events tab for information on future events and scientific talks of interest. 

The Welsh Branch sees the support of members as one of its central functions.

We are therefore very keen to help members organise and advertise seminars and conferences in Wales, and we can also - within certain limits - help to subsidise such meetings from our funds.

We also distribute annual awards and prizes to students from Welsh universities every year.

Psychology Departments in Welsh Universities

Welsh Branch


Welsh Branch


Welsh Branch



Public affairs

The Welsh Branch has a devolved public affairs function to develop key policy areas in Wales that are aligned to our Corporate Strategy, working closely with parliamentarians and government officials to influence priority issues on how we support our members.

We develop relationships with members in Wales through the Branch and the Divisions, identifying key priorities, and working with wider external Welsh stakeholders on these key issues.

We monitor and react to ongoing parliamentary activity, respond to consultations and participate in campaigns, and share political and stakeholder intelligence with members and teams across the BPS.

We support the development of nation-specific communications to ensure our broader campaigns speak to a Welsh audience and, where possible, build coalitions of support amongst stakeholders to further develop our role in the sector.

For more information contact our Senior Public Affairs Adviser at [email protected].

Mae gan Gangen Cymru swyddogaeth materion cyhoeddus ddatganoledig i ddatblygu meysydd polisi allweddol yng Nghymru sy'n cyd-fynd â'n Strategaeth Gorfforaethol. Rydym yn gweithio'n agos gyda seneddwyr a swyddogion y llywodraeth i ddylanwadu ar faterion blaenoriaeth o ran sut rydym yn cefnogi ein haelodau.

Rydym yn datblygu cysylltiadau gydag aelodau yng Nghymru drwy'r gangen a'r is-adrannau, gan nodi blaenoriaethau allweddol, a gweithio gyda rhanddeiliaid allanol ehangach yng Nghymru ar y materion allweddol hyn. Rydym yn monitro ac yn ymateb i weithgarwch [seneddol/cynulliad] parhaus, yn ymateb i ymgynghoriadau ac yn cymryd rhan mewn ymgyrchoedd, ac yn rhannu gwybodaeth wleidyddol a a gwybodaeth rhanddeiliaid gydag aelodau a thimau eraill ar draws y BPS.

Rydym yn cefnogi'r gwaith o ddatblygu cyfathrebiadau sy'n benodol i wledydd er mwyn sicrhau bod ein hymgyrchoedd ehangach yn siarad â chynulleidfa Gymreig. Lle bo'n bosibl, rydym yn adeiladu clymbleidiau o gefnogaeth ymysg rhanddeiliaid i ddatblygu ein rôl yn y sector ymhellach.

I gael rhagor o wybodaeth, cysylltwch â Manel Tippett, Uwch Gynghorydd Materion Cyhoeddus (Cymru) yn [email protected].

Nodwch mai oriau gwaith Manel yw: Boreau Llun, Mawrth a Mercher.

Welsh Branch Undergraduate Prize

This prize is awarded for the best undergraduate dissertation at each BPS-accredited Welsh Branch University.

The British Psychological Society Welsh Branch is delighted to introduce its undergraduate dissertation prize in the region, offering 9 awards of £100 each.

The Board of Examiners at each University will decide on the dissertation submitted to the Welsh Branch.

Eligible universities

  • Aberystwyth University
  • Bangor University
  • Cardiff Metropolitan University
  • Cardiff University
  • Wrexham Glyndwr University
  • University of South Wales
  • Swansea University
  • University of Wales: Trinity Saint David
  • The Open University (students placed in region 10 for their studies)

Each university nominates its best undergraduate dissertation, and each winner is awarded a monetary prize of £100.  Winners are invited to write a 1500-word summary article which will be published in the annual publication, the BPS Branch Awards.

The summary of your dissertation will be published in our BPS Branch Awards publication. Every article has a unique DOI (Digital Object Identifier) meaning their abstracts can be discoverable via Google Scholar.

Authors also have retained rights for their articles including green open access, so they can post their own articles to online repositories.

How to apply

Only eligible University Psychology Departments will nominate students to the BPS Welsh Branch.

Please note: Nominees (students) can not apply for this prize directly through the BPS Welsh Branch.

If you consider yourself eligible to be nominated for this Prize and have not been please contact  [email protected].


  • 21 June: deadline for universities to submit nominations.
  • 30 June: Welsh Branch will email successful nominees asking if they wish to submit a 1,500-word shortened dissertation for publication in BPS Branch Awards
  • 23 August: deadline for submission of shortened dissertations (if applicable)
  • 15 September: nominees receive initial feedback on their submissions.
  • 30 September: Re-submission deadline.
  • 31 October: Welsh Branch will issue the prizes.  Please note that we will not accept any submissions after this date

Research Grant

Our research grant exists to enable Psychology Researchers, postgraduates (including members and professional training routes), post-Doc or later career researchers (who are branch members) to conduct research studies or organise events that may lead to a larger research project or similar outcome.   

Funds may be requested for primary research activities (e.g., participant remuneration, consumables), the development of a network of potential collaborators, or the organisation of workshops/public engagement events, and the committee will favour applications that focus on the current campaigns of the BPS

Applicants are encouraged to seek matched funding wherever possible, although it is not a requirement that proposals include matched funding. 


Please read before submitting your application

Eligible costs include any costs associated with the project, but please note that: 

  • The Branch does not cover costs associated with academic staff time or replacement teaching costs
  • The Branch does not cover institutional overheads
  • Grant holders are expected to provide a report of around 500 words for publication in our newsletter, together with a final budgetary report, within three months of the end of the funding period
  • Grant holders must be members of the BPS Welsh branch 

The maximum grant available under this scheme is £500 per applicant (max 2 applicants), with a strong justification required if applicants wish to request the full amount.

The duration of projects funded under the scheme is typically no longer than 12 months. Funds must be invoiced to the BPS by Year End.

Application requirements

Please read before submitting your application 

Applicants will be required to provide the following information:

  • Name
  • Organisation/affiliation
  • BPS membership number 

 The following details will also be required:

  • Aims and objectives
  • Anticipated outcomes (e.g. publications; further research proposals; presentations; 'impact')
  • Costings (please be as detailed as possible)
  • Timeframe (including proposed start and end dates)
  • Work Planned (this section should include the details of the activities planned)

Judging process

  • Committee members must declare any conflicts of interest before participating in the decision-making process
  • An Awarding Sub-Committee will review all applications
  • The Committee's decision is final
  • The number and level of awards made in any one year may vary 
  • The Committee will assess the applications on originality and potential contribution to knowledge, value for money, and outputs and dissemination 

How to apply

Applications are now open. 

The deadline for submissions is 4pm on 31 October 2024.

Submit an application for the research grant

Please contact [email protected] if you have any further questions.

Conference and Event Bursaries

Conference bursaries are available to support members of the BPS Welsh Branch to attend (physically or virtually) any academic or practitioner conference or CPD event relevant to the applicants work. 


Please read before submitting your application

  • Each bursary consists of up to £500 (1 trainee and 1 postgraduate) to contribute towards the costs of registration and/or travel (if applicable) 
  • All applicants must be members or student subscribers of the British Psychological Society and pursuing studies for an undergraduate or postgraduate degree in psychology at a Welsh institution of higher education or Welsh branch of a National Institution of higher education. 
  • All applicants must agreement to provide receipts for all relevant expenditure to the Branch treasurer
  • Applications must make a strong case for need and the benefits of attendance 
  • It is expected that applicants will not apply more than once each year 

Applicants should be able to show that all other reasonable efforts to obtain financial support (e.g. from his/her department) have been made.

Postgraduate students whose support from a Research Council includes financial aid to attend conferences would only be candidates for bursaries in exceptional circumstances, as judged by the Welsh Branch Committee.

Application requirements

Please read before submitting your application

Applicants will be required to provide: 

  1. Name 
  2. Organisation/affiliation 
  3. BPS membership number
  4. Details of what type of student you are 
  5. Details of the conference that the applicant wishes to attend, including title of event, date(s) and registration costs 
  6. A statement of not more than 150 words providing a brief explanation of why a bursary is needed (e.g., because a postgraduate student is not funded by a research council or their institution), why the applicant should be awarded a bursary, and how she or he will benefit from attending the conference 

All successful applicants will be requested to submit a 500-word blog style summary of the event attended suitable for publication in the Quarterly Welsh Branch newsletter. 

Apply for a bursary

Applications are now open. 

Submissions must be received by 4pm on 31 October 2024 

Submit an application for a conference or event bursary

Submissions will be reviewed by a sub-panel of the Welsh Branch committee members 

Please contact [email protected] if you have any further questions. 


Chair: Sharon Davis (Jan 2023 – Nov 2025)

Appointed Members:

  • Abigail Wright (Educational Psychology link: Feb 2023 – Nov 2026)
  • Amie- Louise Prior (Cardiff Met link: Feb 2024 – Feb 2027)
  • Annie Beyer (DCoP Wales Chair: Sept 204 – Sept 2027)
  • Bethan Phillips (DCP Wales Co-Chair: Nov 2023 – Nov 2026)
  • Beverley Pickard-Jones (Conference Lead: Nov 2023 – Nov 2026)
  • Cerys Miles (DFP Wales Chair: July 2022 – 2025)
  • Elanor Maybury (DCP Wales Co-Chair: Nov 2023 – Nov 2026)
  • Heidi Seage (DHP Wales Chair: Oct 2022 – Oct 2025)
  • Jen Pink (May 2024 – May 2027)
  • Jessica Towicz (Nov 2021 – Nov 2024)
  • Jeremy Warren (Nov 2023 – Nov 2026)
  • Louise Allen-Walker (Oct 2023 – Oct 2026)
  • Owen Hughes (Jan 2023 – Jan 2026)
  • Thomas Jones (Dec 2023 – Dec 2026)

Policy Advisor: Manel Tippett

Network Lead: Gina Felstead


When you join the BPS you are automatically made a member of your local branch.

The Welsh Branch of the BPS covers the following areas/postcodes:

  • Cardiff (CF)
  • Chester (CH5-CH8)
  • Llandrindod Wells (LD)
  • Llandudno, Gwynedd (LL)
  • Newport, Gwent (NP)
  • Swansea (SA)
  • Shrewsbury (SY15-SY25)

Member Announcement E-Newsletter

The Welsh Branch uses its e-newsletter to inform its members of activities and initiatives that are relevant to their interests and to make requests for engagement on topical issues. 

By becoming a member of the Branch you are automatically added to the announcement list.

To receive these emails you will need to:

  1. become a member of the Welsh Branch
  2. opt into receiving email communication and provide a working email address

These preferences can be updated by logging into your member portal.

If you have any queries, please contact Member Network support - Welsh Branch.

To assist us in responding to your query please make sure to include your membership number and quote 'BPS Welsh Branch announcement email' in the subject line.

Get involved with the Welsh Branch committee

The Welsh Branch relies on a wide range of people getting involved, and the work of the Branch is largely achieved through the dedication of unpaid volunteers.

Our volunteers come from a wide range of different backgrounds, whether they be practitioners or academics, or full members or in-training members, and together form an open and inclusive community.