South East of England Branch
The South East of England Branch covers the South of England from Dorset in the west to East Sussex in the east and up to Berkshire in the north, and includes the Isle of Wight.
We organise workshops and conferences in the south and south-east area of England and send regular bulletins to members to publicise events and other items of interest.
The South East of England Branch of the BPS covers the following areas/postcodes:
- Bournemouth (BH)
- Brighton (BN)
- Croydon (CR)
- Dorchester (DT)
- Guilford (GU)
- Kingston-Upon-Thames (KT)
- Portsmouth (PO)
- Reading (RG)
- Redhill (RH)
- Sutton (SM)
- Southampton (SO)
- Salisbury (SP)
Useful links
Follow the links below to see programmes of research seminars etc. at Psychology Departments in Universities in the South East of England.
Undergraduate Prize
Awarded for the best undergraduate dissertation at each BPS-accredited university in the South East of England.
This Undergraduate Prize was founded in 2007 (previously known as The Tony Gale Prize).
Each university nominates its top final year undergraduate dissertation, and each winner is awarded a monetary prize of £100.
Winners are invited to write a 1500-word summary article which will be published in the annual publication, BPS Branch Awards.
The Board of Examiners at each University will decide on the dissertation submitted to the South East of England Branch.
Eligible universities
- Kingston University
- Southampton Solent University
- University of Bournemouth
- University of Brighton
- University of Chichester
- University of Portsmouth
- University of Reading
- University of Southampton
- University of Surrey
- University of Sussex
- University of Winchester
- The Open University (students placed in Region 02 and Region 13 for their studies)
How to apply
Only eligible University Psychology Departments can nominate students.
Nominees (students) cannot apply for this prize directly through the South East of England Branch.
If you consider yourself eligible to be nominated for this Prize and have not been, please contact [email protected]
- 21 June: deadline for universities to submit nominations.
- 30 June: the Branch will email successful nominees asking if they wish to submit a 1,500-word shortened dissertation for publication in BPS Branch Awards
- 15 November: deadline for submission of shortened dissertations (if applicable)
- 15 December: nominees receive initial feedback on their submissions.
- 10 January 2026 : Re-submission deadline.
2024 publication of shortened dissertations will be between March and September 2025.
Previous award winners
2024 winners
2024 winners
University | Awarded to | Dissertation Title |
Kingston University | Rebecca Maguire | Investigating Measures of Trust and Trustworthiness Through Self-Assessed Personality Dispositions |
Southampton Solent University | Flavio Ferreira Jardim | "A Kinder Intervention: The Effects of Self-Compassion Journaling on Emotional Wellbeing Amongst University Students — A Randomised Control Trial |
University of Bournemouth | Lauren Jackson | Evaluating Cognitive Performance and Improvement of Acute Stoke Patients: Dynamic Information Processing Programme |
University of Chichester | Lana Sivyer | "The Early-Bird Catches the Worm": An Investigative Study Into the Relationship Between Sleep Behaviours and Academic Achievement |
University of Portsmouth | Siobhan Rossiter | The influence of personality and cognitive flexibility on stress proneness |
University of Reading | Nick Field, Erica Francker, Zivile Bernotaite, Charlotte Burdge | Trait mindfulness and high-quality listening training; ADHD symptoms and PMS severity; Depression symptoms and anticipated pleasure from social feedback; Evaluating the impact of a public and patient involvement (PPI) community in healthcare research |
University of Southampton | Esther Robins | Adverse Childhood Experiences Alter Error- Related Negativity in Adulthood |
University of Surrey | Emily Forlese | Unlocking the Mind's Eye: Exploring the Relationship Between Visual Imagery, Sleep Quality and Anxiety Levels |
University of Winchester | Asia Ennia | The impact of parental styles and school stressors on the development of non-clinical inflated responsibility beliefs in adolescents |
2023 winners
University | Awarded to | Dissertation Title |
Bournemouth University | Jack Robinson | Comprehension ability in monolingual and bilingual speakers and the effect subtitles have on comprehension |
Solent University | Bailey Foreman | "At what point will they know": A Thematic Analysis of how UK University men experience menstrual education. |
University of Portsmouth | Elizabeth Georgina Louise Evans | Turtle-snorkel Activities Negatively Impact the Behavioural Budget and Evasive Responses of Green Turtles (Chelonia mydas) in Akumal Bay, Mexico. |
The University of Winchester | Emmie Millson | Investigating Deception in a Mock Police Identification Line-up |
University of Chichester | Kara Francis | Attachment and Mental Health Utilisation: A Police Perspective |
University of Surrey | Lucy Ruth Deeprose | The Profile of Autism Characteristics in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder |
University of Brighton | Leann Stollenwerk | Can priming a concept actually affect how intensely people feel? Exploring the connection between sense of control and fear. |
University of Southampton | Bethan Gale | The Relationship Between Behavioural Inhibition, Parenting Behaviour and Anxiety Disorders in Children |
University of Sussex | Dylan Watts | Cortical Colour Tuning Using SSVEP |
2022 winners
University | Awarded to | Dissertation Title |
Bournemouth University | Liberty Alice McCaffrey | Can specific attributes predict Rape Proclivity in heterosexual men? |
Solent University | Zechariah Daniel Perry | A Natural Connection: An Interpretative phenomenological analysis and autoethnographical reflective account, exploring how nature connection affects mental wellbeing' |
University of Portsmouth | Georgia Whitwham | "Not so transitional objects": The Extent to which relationships with transitional objects persist beyond childhood |
The University of Winchester | Charlotte Hollands
| The Virtual Jury Is Out: How Do Mental Health Beliefs Affect Deliberations & Verdicts
University of Chichester | Charlotte Hall | Problematic Smartphone Use and Daily Cognitive Failures Among University Students: The Mediating Roles of Sleep Quality and Academic Stress
University of Surrey | Georgia Tomlin | Spatial skills and driving ability; Is there a link?
University of Brighton | Frankie Meade | Is intimate partner abuse normalised in the digital world?
University of Southampton | Jessica Hylan | Factors Influencing Health Anxiety |
2021 winners
University | Awarded to | Dissertation Title |
Bournemouth | Sophie Hurman | Fathers' experiences and support received following their baby's admission to a neonatal unit |
University of Southampton | Rachel Francois Walcott | |
University of Surrey | Ashley Williams | Exlpring the relationshop between spatial play and mathematical outomes in middle childhood |
University of Brighton | Eve Watson | "Pushy" Vegans and "Unevolved" Meat-eaters: A thematic analysis exploring individual's rationalisations for their diets |
University of Portsmouth | Rachel Woods | The relationship between depression, anxiety and flow amongst elite youth footballers |
Solent University Southampton | Leah Gwilliam | "It's like I'm a sheep" - an interpreative phenomenological analysis of adolescent's experience of social media and online behaviour |
The OU Region 2 | Emily Day | Investigating associations between pro-environmental behaviour and environmental concern, social norms and educational level, in a UK population |
The OU Region 13 | Matyas Bach | Multi-talented or joystick junkie: A discursive analysis of how the British press construct the identities of computer gamers |
University of Sussex | Abigail Wyllie | Invesitgating the influence of low-level scene statistics on perceived naturalness and preference ratings or images |
Kingston University | Maria Dalipaj | An initial investigation on the concept of trust and trustworthiness based on personality traits |
University of Winchester | Joshua SMith | The effect of football supporter's involvement on their well-being |
University of Chichester | Emmanuel Obine | A quantitative study investigating Self-Esteem and interpersonal relationship predicting social media addiction through trait emotional intelligence, loneliness and escapism. |
2020 winners
University | Awarded to | Dissertation Title |
University of Chichester | Monika Halls | Acute and training effects of anodal transcranial direct current stimulation of the prefrontal cortex on anxiety-related implicit associations |
The Open University | Amy Brownlie | Personality traits and social media use as predictors of wellbeing: A survey of adults in the UK |
The Open University | Malgorzata Dzielak | The romance of darkness: The association between the dark tetrad of personality and self-efficacy in romantic relationships in subclinical adult population |
University of Surrey | Terpsichore Panayotidis | Temporal interference: Examining a novel, non-invasive stimulation technique for memory modulation |
University of Southampton | Alainah Beglane | Future self-continuity promotes healthy goal pursuit through authenticity |
University of Brighton | Holly Cooper | The birds and the bees: A thematic analysis of young adults' perceptions of parent–child sex-related communication |
University of Portsmouth | Amber Wing | The calming effects of progressive muscle relaxation and its potential for treating misophonia |
Bournemouth University | Katherine Bills | The effect of tones on reading and letter-scanning: An eye-tracking study |
University of Sussex | Lucile Fiorentino | Impulsivity and sensation-seeking differences between sweet-liker phenotypes: The importance of valid categorisation methods |
Solent University | Imogen Moody | The impact childhood family environment has on wellbeing in adulthood, and the mediating effect of personality traits |
Kingston University | Renata Ruffatto Rech | Visual imagery and interactivity in problem solving |
2019 winners
University | Awarded to | Dissertation Title |
University of Surrey | Jessica Green | "Soaring in Nature: The Effect of Bird Wildlife Within Natural Environments on Feelings of Restoration and Well-being" |
University of Winchester | Lauren Budd | Parenting Characteristics and School Stress: Examining Their Relationship with Paediatric Non-Clinical Inflated Responsibility Beliefs |
Kingston University | Sofia Alves Branco | Judgements of sexual consent and the language of the eyes: An eye-tracking study |
University of Chichester | Emma Jayes | Construct validity of the prospective memory evaluation measure (PMEM) |
The Open University Region 13 | Clare Louise Meeson | "That's what friends are for": a phenomenological study of friendship in the final year of university |
The Open University Region 2 | Desmond Fox | "I don't have time for this": A Phenomenological Study of the Experience of Having a Cold |
University of Reading (Shared prize) | Victoria Beesley
Megan Heraty | The influence of positive affect on the attentional blink: A replication of Olivers and Nieuwenhuis (2006) An investigation into the similarity between friends' mood and lifestyle choices |
University of Southampton | Michalia Siemiatkowska | Making Empathy Appealing to Narcissists |
Solent University | Amy Bowers | Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis: How do Funeral Directors understand their coping with occupational death exposure |
University of Brighton | Sarah Smith | Maintaining Meat Consumption: Exploring the Role of Exposure to Animal Suffering on Perceptions of Pain-Sensitivity and Moral Status in Animals We Consume and Those We Keep as Pets |
University of Portsmouth | Joseph Benbow | In the Midst of Gorillas: Determining the Effect of Inhibition on Inattentional Blindness |
Bournemouth University | Natasha Vann Baker | Investigating pupillary response, sexual appeal, and age estimation of age ambiguous stimuli |
University of Sussex | Sarah Hurdman | Non-coercive intelligence gathering: evaluating the effectiveness of two frame-adapted, and non-framed, persuasive interview techniques |
Bursary Scheme for Members
Bursaries are available for students to attend conferences or events in the region. All bursaries will be of equal value.
The number of bursaries available each year will depend on resources and award of a bursary cannot be guaranteed even if all requirements for eligibility have been met.
Precedence will be given to those who have not been awarded a bursary previously.
Decisions will be final, and no correspondence will be entered into regarding unsuccessful applications.
Judging process
These bursaries will be allocated to students who are South East of England Branch members (i.e. members of the British Psychological Society either living or studying in the South East of England), up to a maximum of 100% of the conference fee per student.
Within these parameters the awards sub-committee can determine the number and monetary value of the bursaries they wish to grant, subject to confirmation by the South East of England Branch Committee.
In the event of there being competition for the Bursaries the awards sub-committee will act as the judging panel.
Please note:
- An annual Bursary Prize might be offered to a student to attend a conference of their choice providing that they were presenting a paper.
- An individual may only be in receipt of one bursary within a 12 month period.
- Bursaries may be offered for BPS events within the region organised by either sub-systems or universities.
- Previous applications may be taken into account in the decision making process.
- Recipients will be required to pay their conference fees and then submit their receipt to the Branch. The bursary will be paid by bank transfer on receipt of the conference report.
- Recipients will be required to submit a 500 word report on the conference for use as the Branch decide.
There may also be additional requirements for specific events and these will be detailed on an event-by-event basis.
Applicants must :
- live or study in the South East of England
- be a student member of the British Psychological Society
- provide details on how the bursaries will benefit their studies
How to apply
Applications are now open.
Submission must be received by 30 September 2024.
Chair: Bruno De Oliveira (Jan 2025 – 2028) ([email protected])
Appointed Members:
- Richard Pemberton (Chair: Nov 2021 – Jan 2025, Past Chair: Jan 2025 - 2026)
- David Hancock (Oct 2023 – 2026)
- James Prentice (Student Ambassador: Feb 2023 – 2026)
- Luke Basford (Oct 2023 – 2026)
- Valentina Canessa-Pollard (Oct 2023 – 2026)
- Sophiia DeFaia (February 2025 – 2028)
- Helen Johnson (February 2025 – 2028)
- Laura Harris- Mackey (February 2025 – 2028)
- Julia Eziashi (February 2025 – 2028)
- Jemima Ajagbe (March 2025 – 2028)
- Srinidhi Srinivasan (March 2025 – 2028)
When you join the BPS you are automatically made a member of your local branch.
Member e-newsletter
The South East of England Branch uses its e-newsletter to inform its members of activities and initiatives that are relevant to their interests and to make requests for engagement on topical issues.
To receive this you will need to:
- be a member of the South East of England Branch
- check your email preferences that you have opted into receiving emails
- ensure that your email address is correct
You can check your preferences by logging into your member portal.
If you have any queries, please contact Member Network support - South East of England Branch.
Getting involved with the South East of England Branch Committee
The South East of England Branch relies on a wide range of people getting involved, and the work of the Branch is largely achieved through the dedication of unpaid volunteers.
Our volunteers come from a wide range of different backgrounds, whether they be practitioners or academics, or full members or in-training members, and together form an open and inclusive community.