How should we encourage the use of creativity as a way to enhance and aid our therapeutic work and research?
Poetic inquiry and found poetry: a phenomenological enquiry
- Participants are invited to write freestyle poems to help them reflect on their experiences.
- Participants are invited to write poems based on the themes that emerge.
- The researcher writes poetry as an 'auto-ethnographic' process in their reflexivity.
- Found poetry: constructed from participant transcripts. It can also be constructed from material in the literature review
Submitted by:
- Simon Wharne DCPsych (Middx), BSc MSc PhD (Open), PGCHE (Fal)
Deputy Course Leader for the DCPsych Programme, NSPC
Poetic Approaches to Qualitative Data Analysis
Qiana M. Cutts and M.Billy Sankofa Waters
Poetic Approaches to Qualitative Data Analysis
Qiana M. Cutts and M.Billy Sankofa Waters
Published online: 28 August 2019
Poetic inquiry, an increasingly popularized form of arts-based research, is an expressive and evocative method and methodology, where the lines of responsibility and roles assumed of a researcher mandate that the researcher is a social science and expressive artist.
It is defined broadly as a research process and research product. As a process, poetic inquiry is the foundation of or central component to research endeavours where poetry can be the data source, the analytical and interpretative lenses, and/or the presentation.
Found poetry : poetryizing and the 'art' of phenomenological inquiry
Joseph A.Pate
Found poetry: poetryizing and the 'art' of phenomenological inquiry
By Joseph A.Pate
Produce: Sage Research Methods Cases Part 1
Publisher: SAGE Publications Ltd
Publication year: 2014 Online Pub date: January 01 2014
Van Manen asserted that phenomenology is, ultimately, a poetizing project. In this article, poetic inquiry is leveraged as a methodological strategy within phenomenological inquiry.
Accessing Vagle's Post-Intentional Phenomenological Research Approach, this arts-based orientation to data analysis and representation created an opportunity to reveal the tentative lived experiences of a study's participants and researcher who expressed significant connections with music
Creative method: Visual Arts, Movement, Creative writing, Music making
Submitted by:
- Joanna Omylinska-Thurston
Co-founder of Arts for the Blues
Counselling Psychologist at Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS FT, and Lecturer at University of Salford
Linked bodies: Universities of Edge Hill and Salford in the North West of England
Arts for the Blues
What is Arts for the Blues?

Arts for the Blues is an evidence-based psychotherapy for depression, anxiety and mental wellbeing. The therapy is delivered in groups facilitated by Arts for the Blues trained practitioners.
Sessions may include mark-making, gentle movement, writing, and music-making, and participants are supported to engage at their own pace.
Arts for the Blues is delivered in four stages, informed by cognitive behavioural, person-centred, psychodynamic, and group therapy approaches. The therapy includes eight key ingredients that are informed by the evidence of helpful factors in therapy.
Each section of the therapy focuses on two specific ingredients and provides a framework under which therapeutic change is supported.
The Arts for the Blues team work with local providers of mental health interventions to support the delivery of the Arts for the Blues. We train practitioners to work with the key ingredients and to deliver the model in groups.
We support organisations to develop the model within their service and to measure the impact of their work with Arts for the Blues.
Creative method: Music
Submitted by:
- Dr Adam Ficek (Psychotherapist)
BA. PGCE. PG Clin Dip. MA. MSc.(Dist). DPsych.
Dr Adam Ficek, drummer of Babyshambles and founder of Music and Mind is a highly sought-after consultant, researcher and psychotherapist in the musician, music industry and mental health ecosystem. He is passionate about developing effective resources and strategies within the demanding environments of performers, creatives and music industry personnel.
Adam has a background in the music industry as a performer, educator, researcher and clinician and contributes extensively to various media outlets regarding musicians, creatives and mental health.
'It was great. I felt like I connected with an audience and I sometimes find that quite a difficult thing to do'. Professional popular musicians' experiences of pride, insecurity and pressure in their musicking environment
- Author: Adam Ficek
International Journal of Music, Health, and Wellbeing
Published: 23 September 2023
Musical organisations
Music & Mind
Promoting Wellbeing and Mental Health Strategies for Musicians, the Music Industry and Creative Individuals

Music & Mind is an independent and discreet team of highly experienced individuals who are passionate about mental health and wellness within the musician, music industry and other creative communities.
We are not affiliated with any corporate entities which allows us to deliver an objective, discreet and ethical perspective on psychological and emotional health and wellbeing.
Tonic Rider
Studies around mental health in the music industry

Tonic Music is a show dedicated to playing uplifting gems, classics and underground favourites.
The show also features a monthly interview with established musicians exploring how their ‘musicking’ has helped or hindered them throughout their careers.
Expect to hear some heart-felt anecdotes surrounding the power of music as the guests explore their professional and personal connections to their sonic art.
Totally Wired Radio

This show is sponsored by Tonic Music for Mental Health, a charity that provides support for professional musicians and the music industry community.