Opportunities with the DCP
There are lots of different ways in which our members can get involved with the work of the DCP, including joining one of our sub-committees, taking up a role on the CPF Editorial Board, and more.
Here we've listed some of the current opportunities to participate and play a role in the ongoing development of the division.
Current opportunities within the DCP
Join the EDI Sub-Committee
This new EDI sub-committee will take an intersectional approach to promote EDI within Clinical Psychology through:
- Actively engaging with members using creative methods of communication
- Developing training events to encourage a reflective approach to considering difference and diversity.
- Challenging conscious and unconscious bias/discrimination in the curriculum & in the wider profession.
Applications are invited from members who are passionate about this area and are able to commit to a minimum of 2 hours a month to attend committee meetings as well as contribute to wider strategic initiatives.
Join the DCP Minorities Subcommittee
The Minorities in Clinical Psychology Sub-Committee reports directly to the DCP Executives Committee and is currently comprised of DCP members who are post-qualification, in training and pre-qualification.
DCP Communications Sub-Committee - Vacancies
Do you have an interest in communications? If so the DCP needs you!
Effective communications are essential for the DCP to be an effective organisation for our members, for the people we work with and for the wider public.
We already have a Comms subcommittee and want to expand the number of people to increase what we can achieve.
We are looking for people with commitment, energy and new, creative ideas to help us move forward and would love to welcome you to our group.
The Comms Subcommittee needs to be truly diverse in its composition and to have members at all levels of their careers.
You do not need to have experience in this field - the aim is for the subcommittee to be a dynamic and supportive team with shared learning and mentoring integral to its operation.
We are also hoping to arrange some training e.g. in engaging with the media
Julia Faulconbridge is the DCP Lead for Communications, Marketing and Publications.
Over the last year she has been working to improve the communications functions for the DCP with the support of colleagues and the BPS Comms team but there is still a lot to do!
The Comms work falls into three main categories:
1. Communications with members
- So they know what DCP is, what it does, how it relates to them,
- Hearing their voices, involving them in discussions, enabling them to participate and contribute more effectively.
- Keeping them up to date with all professional issues
- Keeping them up to date on opportunities, events, training etc.
- Marketing to increase membership
2. Communications with the public and external bodies
- Sharing psychological knowledge,
- Getting clinical psychology into the media, both mainstream and social
- Working with the BPS Comms team providing public statements about key policy documents and reports
- Supporting those in need of help
- Influencing policy makers etc.
- Linking with other relevant bodies
3. The intra-DCP organisational connectivity.
- Linking the networks and working groups closely with the Exec
- Keeping all our networks well-informed
- Sharing their knowledge and expertise across the other networks, Maximising co-working and effectiveness
- Supporting networks working together
Role and functions of the Comms Subcommittee
The subcommittee will support all the Comms and marketing work of the DCP, working closely with Julia and the BPS Comms team.
The plan is that certain people will form subgroups with particular delegated responsibilities e.g.:
- Newsletters – DCP in Focus and newsletter strategy
- Social media
- Podcasts, interviews
- Media
- Blogs and other statements
- Website
- Online Community
- Working with Faculties, Nations and English Branches
- Working on membership strategy and marketing
The Subcomittee will be meeting every 6 weeks for 90 minutes and it is expected that subgroup activities will be needed in between
If you are interested, please complete a Statement of Interest Form.
If you want to have a discussion beforehand, pleas email Julia Faulconbridge at [email protected]
Clinical Psychology Forum (CPF) Reviewer Panel and Editorial Board
Clinical Psychology Forum has a long history and is highly valued by the Division of Clinical Psychology (DCP) membership.
It contains a variety of content: papers on clinical practice and research findings, opinion pieces, reports of events, book reviews, updates on DCP matters, and information on current issues for the profession. There are Special Editions, usually focused on a particular topic area but also on events and as tributes to particular psychologists.
Over the last year we have been implementing changes in the way that CPF is produced in preparation for it being launched on a new digital platform in HTML format, which will extend discoverability and reach, and increase citations for authors.
We have developed a Joint Editorship model with a Clinical Editor who leads on the content (Louisa Jackman) and a Managing Editor who runs the processes (Nicki Dennis).
To support them, we are now developing two groups and are seeking people to join us in the following (unpaid) roles at this exciting next stage for CPF.
Reviewer Panel
We are seeking people who are current DCP members and who have at least five years post qualification experience. We need to increase the range of specialisms represented and will pay close attention to inclusion and the diversity of the panel. Current reviewers who meet this criteria and want to continue will automatically be included on the panel. The expectation is that reviewers will review approximately one paper per month. Guidance will be given for those new to reviewing.
Reviewers will be involved in supporting the day-to-day operational aspects of CPF and will also be asked to help the Ethics Column Editor and Book Review Editor. It is expected that the Panel will meet virtually approx. three times a year.
If you are interested in becoming a reviewer, please complete a Statement of Interest form.
Editorial Board
The Editorial Board will be strategic not operational and will support the Editors in:
- developing the strategic direction of CPF
- monitoring the outputs, e.g. by viewing and analysing stats and maintaining an overview of the overall range of papers and topics and quality aspects
- generating new ideas and development options.
It is essential that the Board includes members at all career stages and with a diversity of backgrounds. We also need to have Expert by Experience representation on the Board. People on the Reviewers Panel will also be able to apply to be on the Editorial Board.
If you are interested in joining the Editorial Board (please note: you must be a DCP member) then please complete a Statement of Interest form.
If you would like to have a discussion beforehand about positions on the Editorial Board or Reviewer panel, please email the CPF Clinical Editor Louisa Jackman at [email protected]