People of different ethnic backgrounds meet on a zoom call

Equality, Diversity, Inclusion & Anti-Racism

We know that there is a longstanding lack of diversity in clinical psychology, and that there are barriers to access for people from marginalised backgrounds.

Many have highlighted concerns about whiteness, marginalisation and racism in clinical psychology, and we recognise the need to address this as a systemic and structural issue.

While members from BAME backgrounds are key to this work, it will also encompass other marginalised groups such as those with disabilities, with a focus on intersectionality.

On this page we will host statements, news items and other resources that are relevant to this work, and to developing DCP into an anti-racist organisation.

Inclusivity Strategy

The DCP has been developing a formal inclusivity strategy since 2014, with the goals of increasing access to the profession, ensuring compliance with equality and diversity regulation, and developing both research and practice.

View the DCP Inclusivity Strategy

Saluting our sisters

The theme for Black History Month 2023 is 'Saluting our Sisters'.

In line with this, the Division of Clinical Psychology's Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) sub-committee has produced a podcast with three black clinical psychologists - Dr. Juliana Onwumere (Consultant Clinical Psychologist), Dr. Vivia Cowdrill (Consultant Clinical Psychologist), and Professor Margo Ononaiye (Director of Southampton Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program) - holding senior leadership roles within the NHS and in higher education.

Dr. Sidrah Muntaha, the DCP's EDI Lead hosting the podcast commented:

I salute these amazing women not just for their professional achievements but also their humility, humour and openness.

The free-flowing conversation and emotional connections made was a heart-warming experience for me which I hope will inspire those who are watching and listening.

Thank you Viv, Margo & Juliana and carry on shining!

If you would like to get involved in the DCP's EDI work, please  contact Dr. Sidrah Muntaha, Consultant Clinical Psychologist & EDI Lead at or submit an expression of interest here.

EDI resources

Racial and social equalities in action - what can possibly go right?

What can possibly go right is an invitation to embody voices spoken at our listening events and consider action.

Whilst we are hopeful that this will stimulate generative thinking to move forward, we are aware of the risk of this report becoming part of the plethora of publications and media reports on the subject.

We want to go beyond blaming the individuals and look at structural issues. We have noted two key aspects through our observations and work in this area:

  1. The conversation stops at the acknowledgment of deprivation and racism. There is often a sense of giving up with the implications that it is too big and difficult rather than seeking to understand systemic factors that contribute to deprivation and racism.
  2. Where systemic factors are understood, there is a lack of concerted and sustained action plans to address and change these alongside regular evaluation of impact.

Read the full racial and social equalities in action document.

Considerations for people from minority groups in the Covid-19 pandemic

DCP Minorities Group Subcommittee recently launched a public resource, which addresses minority issues in relation to the pandemic. While the focus of this paper is on the clinical psychology workforce, many of the issues raised will be pertinent to individuals irrespective of their position as a professional or member of the public.

The paper is ambitious in its scope and is presented as a working document that will be added to as the pandemic unfolds further. The 10 protected characteristics in the Equality Act are considered, including individuals who are at high risk of physical complications or fatality related to Covid-19 and those caring for and/or living with someone physically at high risk from Covid-19.

Read the full document on the considerations for people from minority groups.

Racial and Social Inequalities in the times of Covid-19

This position paper is intended to begin conversations and engagement with stakeholders to co-produce a change strategy to counter racial and social inequalities.

It offers initial thoughts on the risks and impact of Covid-19 on pre-existing racial and social inequalities and structural racism.

Read the full document on Racial and Social Inequalities in the times of Covid-19.

Issues impacting on leadership for those from minority groups

To gain a better understanding of the issues impacting on leadership for those from minority groups the Clinical Psychologists as Leaders project sent out a survey to DCP members.

We were interested in the particular challenges clinical psychologists may face in taking on leadership roles, and how better we can support them.

This document provides the result, rationale, and a preliminary analysis of the survey.

Download the preliminary survey analysis.

After the speeches: What now for NHS staff race discrimination?

Roger Kline is research fellow focusing on workplace culture, primarily in the public sector. He authored The Snowy White Peaks of the NHS (2014) and designed the Workforce Race Equality Standard (WRES).

Here he writes about the need for decisive, practical action to counteract racism in the NHS.

Read the full blog.

DCP Representative Assembly Statement on Black Lives Matter and the death of George Floyd

We bear witness to the shocking and tragic news of the killing of George Floyd on 25 May 2020 while in police custody in Minneapolis. We mourn George Floyd and we should not forget the others who have died under similar circumstances.

We condemn the racial violence, discrimination and persistent structural racism that underpins society in the strongest terms, and stand with our colleagues and others in speaking out in support of the Black Lives Matter movement.

Read the full statement from the DCP Representative Assembly.

The Minorities in Clinical Psychology Training Group has been in existence since 2012, initially as part of the Pre-Qualification Group.

Following recognition that the work undertaken by the group extends beyond the pre-qualification stage, the DCP formalised and extended its role.

The Minorities in Clinical Psychology Sub-Committee reports directly to the DCP Executives Committee and is comprised of DCP members who are post-qualification, in training and pre-qualification.

The committee comprises of lead organisers based on the areas of discrimination and protected characteristics as outlined in the Equality act 2010: Race, Faith, Disability, Gender and Sexuality, Religion, Parenting and Caring responsibilities.

The committee and its members take an intersectional view of discrimination in all the work that we produce or engage with and always consider the interplay of factors such as low-socio economic status, immigration status etc.


  • To provide support networks for those who identify as being of marginalised backgrounds within the profession of Clinical Psychology and to advise on issues of inclusivity and diversity across the DCP.
  • To contribute towards a better understanding of the unique needs and experiences of marginalised groups within the profession and to help support the personal and professional development of those who have chosen a career in clinical psychology
  • To promote change in minority representation across the clinical psychology profession



  • The journey of BME aspiring psychologists into clinical psychology training: Barriers and ideas for inclusive change (Bawa, Gooden, Maleque, Naseem, Naz, Oriaku, Thomas, Vipulananthan, Bains & Shiel, 2019)

  • Reframing our stories: Addressing barriers faced by Black people trying to access a career in clinical psychology (Tong, Peart & Rennalls, 2019)

  • From safety to bravery: Creating trainee spaces to discuss racism and Whiteness in clinical psychology (Addai, Birch & Nicholas, 2019)

  • Invisible Stigmatised Identities; Implications for Clinical Psychology (Wallace & Dawood, 2018)

  • Understanding the socio-political dimensions of disability within clinical psychology (Dawood, 2017)

  • 'I tried to sound like someone I thought courses would choose': Navigating marginalised experiences during clinical psychology interviews (Kinouani, Ibrahim, Wallace, Nicholas, Baah, Hasham & Stamatopoulou, 2016)

  • 'Innovation: Another case for widening access to clinical psychology?' (Kinouani, Tserpeli, Stamatopoulou, Barnet, 2015)

  • 'Minorities in clinical psychology training: Reflections on the journey to finding a voice' (Kinouani, Tserpeli, Nicholas, Neumann-May, Stamatopoulou & Ibrahim-Özlü, 2014)



  • An annual application event and interview preparation event for aspiring clinical psychologists
  • An annual conference
Research and Publications
  • · Current research into clearing house data
  • · On-going articles on minority experiences
  • A bi-annual newsletter
  • Social media channels on Facebook and Twitter
  • Conference representation and talks
Consulting and Co-Working
  • Wider BPS faculties
  • GTiCP
  • London Widening Access Group
  • Input into the work being undertaken to address barriers to accessing the profession
Work with wider BPS initiatives
  • Contributing to and reviewing Inclusivity Strategy
  • Position Statements
Further Support
  • Slack forums for On-line support network
  • Community meetings
  • Ad-hoc and additional support as and when needed

Get involved

Follow us on Twitter at @MinoritiesGroup

Join us on Facebook: Minorities in Clinical Psychology Training Group

Get in touch at

The Task and Finish Group has completed its work and we are grateful to Alan Kessadijan and all members of the group for their work.

The key recommendation was that a new elected position of  EDI Lead be created on the DCP Executive and a supportive infrastructure developed.

We are delighted that Dr Sidrah Muntaha has taken on this role and she is now working to scope it out.