DFP Northern Ireland
Division of Forensic Psychology - Northern Ireland
Chair: Sarah Ruston & Siobhan Keating
Honorary Treasurer: Jacqueline Bates Gaston
Honorary Secretary: Marita Dillon
Committee Members:
- Carolyn Mitchell
- Rebecca Ewing
- Siobhan Keating
Trainee Representatives:
- Tina Hamilton
- Grace McMurray
- Kirsten McFarland
Assistant Representative: TBC
The BPS Division of Forensic Psychology in Northern Ireland host regular meetings for local forensic practitioners and researchers.
These meetups provide a forum for colleagues working with people who have committed offences and related services and aim to promote trauma informed practice through:
- Peer support
- Sharing ideas and experience
- Promoting trauma informed approaches in our organisations
We believe that trauma-informed working is essential within forensic settings, allowing us to:
- Build links with trauma into formulations of risk and desistance
- Build understanding of trauma into needs assessment, treatment planning, and service planning
- Accurately identify needs within specific populations
All meetings are held from 14:00-15:30.
FIT Meetings
25 January 2024 - Early intervention to improve wellbeing
Speaker: Ed Sipler, South Eastern Health & Social Care Trust
Ed will be talking about a project between the South Eastern and Western H&SCTs to help people get help earlier when they are affected by mental health issues, to promote their wellbeing. We hope to also have a wider discussion about the relevance of this project to the forensic context, and perhaps think about how this approach might be extended to other areas that affect the people we work with.
Forensic Interest in Trauma meet-ups are organised by the Division of Forensic Psychology in Northern Ireland, for members and interested colleagues. Providing opportunities to promote, support and share information on trauma-informed practice with people who have offended and the organisations that provide services for them.
- 26 January 2023
- 19 April 2023
- 29 June 2023
- 5 October 2023